My 96 Steamer wont start now???

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My 96 Steamer came to me in pieces, but running although if you tried to give it any throttle it died immediately. The gas in the tank smelled of plastic and acetone so I removed tank and drained it. I pulled the carbs and they were gummed up worse than any carbs I have ever seen. Cleaned them to the best of my ability, replaced the stock jets with new jets in stock size (40/105) put the carbs back in, replaced air box and snorkels and tossed in some new plugs and thinking it would at least idle and take fuel better than before, put some fresh gas in the tank, turned petcock to on, turned the key, pulled in the clutch, hit the starter button and it just turned over... I cant get it to even spit and sputter as if its trying to fire... I'm lost... Any ideas?
I assume you checked for spark at the plugs already?

I don't know much about Tigers, but I would make sure there is still gas flow and if there is a fuel filter in line, it should be checked/replaced. There is probably also a mesh filter inside the fuel tank where the petcock enters. On my Trophy there are tiny plastic fuel filters right where the fuel line connects to each carb. You can't see them without removing the fuel line and looking into the carb housing.

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Has the fuel filter been changed? Got good spark? I know these are pretty basic but we've got to start somewhere.

Never mind, I saw your answer in the other post.

Did not change any fuel filter, its getting plenty of fuel (as far as I can tell, theres pools of gas in the intake boots) Spark wise, It was doing ok before, so I see no reason that changing to new plugs would have changed the spark, I did oull the plugs and I dont see anything on them indicating anything... I posted a thread there but it said waiting approval.
Is there a fuel filter hidden somewhere on the bike? lol. I'm assuming the spark is good, it fired right up and idled like a champ with its (set for 2 years) original plugs and gas. Now it wont even hit a lick... Pulled plugs and sisnt see anything odd on them,
I don't have any first hand knowledge of the Steamers so can't answer about the fuel filter(s). Sounds like you are getting gas since you noticed it in the intake.

Hopefully a better mechanic than me will respond shortly.

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All the vacuum lines and diaphragms on the carbs where in good order with no rot or leaks/holes? I had similar issues on a 98 Sprint.....basically the same carb bank and set up. Also when taking on andd off the tank double check you didn't pinch or obstruct the vent tube or any of the vacuum or fuel lines. Not 100% sure on the 96 Tiger but I know first hand it is easy to do on the 98 Sprint and the 05 Tiger.

Also, did you say you where getting good steady fuel to the carbs? You mention the smell of the fuel in the tank, did you completely remove and clean the tank or just drain and fill with new fuel?
Is the petcock new or the original? I have also heard of petcock issues on these bikes and a new one maybe in order as it could be clogged and varnish plugged as well.

I hope you get it sorted Those Steamers are damn fine bikes.
Tore it back down, pulled plugs, no fire on any of them. Coils have good grounds and all have power when key is turned on. So cdi or pick up issue i guess... How do I replace the pick-up on this bike? and does anyone have some spare laying around? I find it odd timing that the spark is missing after being worked on and nothing being done with igniter or pick-up??
I checked the ignition sensor connections, they are fine, Checked and there is juice going in, but I cant get any juice coming out. I now believe the little pick-up may be dead, if not its not picking up the rotor... ugh... gonna order a new sensor and rotor... Yay more negative investments lol...

Any ideas are very welcome and appreciated.
Does it have a strong battery?

I know my Trophy will just crank and crank all day long if the battery isn't really fully charged. It often surprises me at how little of a drained battery will cause that. The horn and lights can be working great, but it doesn't have the oomph to start the bike.

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The pick-up coil (crank sensor/pulse generator) can only be checked by measuring the resistance. Obviously no resistance is a short and infinite resistance is a broken wire.

Using an ohmeter set at x100 scale. It should read 530 plus or minus 10%. The air gap between the sensor and the "teeth" on the crank should be 0.6-0.8 mm.

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Battery was put in new when it was dropped off, i put it on my bat tender last 2 nights, same thing today. It's really like the ignition sensor has kicked the bucket.

It sat so long imma have to rebuild the clutch slave cylinder. theres moss like on the side of my house on the valve cover. Oil is probably as old as well... I really dont think its the battery, it spins the motor plenty fast I think. It fired it up fine before I did the work.
With moss growing on the engine, I'd be worried about a corroded ground someplace that you may have disturbed when you pulled the tank off.

Also...just a thought or two...the sidestand switch could be causing it. Try with and without pulling the clutch in case that switch is goofy. Try jumping (by passing) the sidestand switch.

Posted with TapaTalk
With moss growing on the engine, I'd be worried about a corroded ground someplace that you may have disturbed when you pulled the tank off.

Also...just a thought or two...the sidestand switch could be causing it. Try with and without pulling the clutch in case that switch is goofy. Try jumping (by passing) the sidestand switch.

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Will the engine turn over with the kickstand down and the clutch in?? Dont remember my 02 ST955i doing that.

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