Looks like the end of a great summer

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Well here in Spain, it's in the low 20's and climbing to 23 this weekend, there's a bike meet at a local restaurant on Sunday, which I hope to go to, so things are looking up at last. Just hope this bloody wind goes away
We've put an additional thin blanket on the bed and snuggle a little closer but the days are still great.
The pool's holding 28c but covered at night, we were both in this afternoon.
Now 5.15 pm and 24c (76f). I'll put a light top over my tee shirt in about an hour.
Now tell me about Canada again Rocky. :y15:
well we sitting at around 13c with rain today

Mate, 13c is mid winter for us. :y13:

I took notice of temperatures back before I retired as I worked outdoors.
I'd leave home at 5.00am and if it was down to 10c in the pre dawn it was as bad as it gets. Those days usually rose to about 13 or 15 by 1.00pm.
As you can see I am all sorted for the weather BGRIN


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