Lets hear some of your most notable "Uh Oh" moments

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During a valve adjustment I dropped a shim down the cam chain valley and freaked out.

Found it in inside the timing cover and retrieved with a magnet.

Nothing like a small hardened steel disk floating around in your crankcase...thought I wrote off the motor.
While traveling along a Detroit freeway in the middle lane at the usual 80mph speed in rush hour traffic, the car in front of me suddenly swerved violently to the left, revealing a large, spinning aluminum ladder sliding along covering pretty much the whole lane! Somehow, someway, I managed to go past it just as it spun parallel to my path. Still have the occasional nightmare about it!
During a valve adjustment I dropped a shim down the cam chain valley and freaked out.

Found it in inside the timing cover and retrieved with a magnet.

Nothing like a small hardened steel disk floating around in your crankcase...thought I wrote off the motor.
Yeah, that could have been NOT fun
Mine started out as the adventure of a lifetime. I was on a three-week tour through the mountains and deserts of Chili and Peru.
On the second last day of the tour, I went into a decreasing radius curve that I couldn't see around because the road was carved out of a mountainside.
Peru is a rather poor country and in rural areas there are no road signs or guard rails of any kind.

When I realized I was in trouble it was already too late in spite of hard braking and leaning. I went off the road and crashed into a deep ditch, dislocating my right shoulder and breaking bones in my right hand.
The chase truck found me and carted me off to a local hospital where I was put in a upper body cast to isolate my shoulder and hand. Fortunately, I was traveling with a friend, and he managed to get us back to Canada where I had shoulder surgery and a steel prosthesis inserted.

That was sixteen years ago next week, and after six months of physio, I was fully recovered.
Needless to say, if it had to happen, I'm glad it was in a valley and not high up in the mountains where I wouldn't have survived going off a cliff.
In spite of what happened it was the adventure of a lifetime and something I'll never forget - for both good and bad reasons BGRIN
On Black Friday two years ago, I was riding north from Ft Lauderdale to an MSTA lunch in the central part of Florida. I was riding at 65 mph on I-95 which was four lanes in each direction. I was in the left next to the HOV lane. A lady was stopped in the emergency lane next to the HOV lane. I saw her start to move and pull into the HOV lane. As she drew even with me and slightly ahead, she did a sudden right hand turn to go to an exit. I had time enough to say oh no and I woke up on the pavement with the medics working on me.

I suffered 10 broken ribs, a broken collar bone, a punctured lung, and a broken left radial in my wrist. Three weeks in ICU followed by six weeks of in house rehab and a year of recuperating, I started riding again. I don't have the strength and stamina I once had; but I'm able to ride and enjoy life.
OUCH!! That was bad, very, very bad to say the least. But you're a tough old coot and you made it through, and we are all so thankful for that.
Ebbing strength and stamina is what happens to us old fellers as we age. It's the same for me too.
Be careful out there among the idiots!

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