I've been wanting one of these for a while

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Well done Silli
She looks like a little cracker
look after her and she'll love you forever.

Liz and I were given this little jack/foxy cross 7 years ago.
She was the runt of the litter, and was handed into the vet where my daughter in law worked, to be put down, but my daughter in law had other ideas.
She is now 17kg of love and companionship, and the best watchdog a person could ask for. Dscf0017.2.jpgImg_0007.jpgP1000059.jpg
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

Congratulations Silli.......

I have a Jack Russell named Reba. They are super smart dogs and faster than lightning. Mine never chewed things up at all. Just allow her to run outside some every day.

BTW.....technically, the breed is now called the Parson Russell Terrier

Thanks for that info..... was not aware of it, nor have I ever heard of the name..... TUP
Not all Jack Russell's are hyper and nervous dogs.

I believe their disposition comes form their breeding.

Mine is actually calmer than our Welsh Corgi. Her Mom and Dad were also calm. And, I know the lady that has my dog's Sister and she says her Sister is not hyperactive either.
Will do.... but she is not flavour of the month right now, as she was responsible for the death of my cat, Morris. I suppose it is her nature to do that.

She is actually very good and growing up into a well behaved obedient little lady.


OMG! In that second photo, your JR looks exactly like my Reba in the face. The only difference is that Reba has more brown spots on her torso.

Some JRs have heavier/stockier legs, but yours and mine both have the thinner ones. Reba was also the runt of the litter.
Cats can typically defend themselves pretty darn well. A scratch on the dog's nose usually stops that kind of thing.

My dogs all get along very well with the cats, they even sleep together sometimes.

A couple months back we had to put our Skye Terrier to sleep......he was 15 years old and just not living a good life anymore.
Cats can typically defend themselves pretty darn well. A scratch on the dog's nose usually stops that kind of thing.

My dogs all get along very well with the cats, they even sleep together sometimes.

A couple months back we had to put our Skye Terrier to sleep......he was 15 years old and just not living a good life anymore.

The big dogs used to chase him, but he was too quick and clever for them. Rocket just followed her instincts, and once cornered the other two joined in.
The cat was still alive and consious when I intervened, but his back legs were not working. He was also struggling to breathe, and the vet's opinion was lung damage and a broken back.
I am missing him.... he was quite a character. :y47:
Cats can typically defend themselves pretty darn well. A scratch on the dog's nose usually stops that kind of thing.

My dogs all get along very well with the cats, they even sleep together sometimes.

A couple months back we had to put our Skye Terrier to sleep......he was 15 years old and just not living a good life anymore.

A J sorry about your skye, after 15 years of friendship its a hell of a decision to have to make.

The big dogs used to chase him, but he was too quick and clever for them. Rocket just followed her instincts, and once cornered the other two joined in.
The cat was still alive and consious when I intervened, but his back legs were not working. He was also struggling to breathe, and the vet's opinion was lung damage and a broken back.
I am missing him.... he was quite a character. :y47:

Silli, in that situation, it would seem that pack instinct took over, rather than the individual personality of any of the dogs.

the nicest dogs can turn quite ugly when in a pack.:y8:

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