I've been wanting one of these for a while

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so I got one..... :y16:

Her name is Rocket.
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

The only thing cuter than a puppy is a box full of puppies.
Now get ready to have all that you hold dear chewed up, ask me how I know.:y15:
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

I guess that means you have experienced a JR puppy??? :y2:

Never a JR, but a few others over the years.
I was going to post a photo of the little puppy and what he grew up to be but this is your JR thread, another time.
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

Congratulations Silli.......

I have a Jack Russell named Reba. They are super smart dogs and faster than lightning. Mine never chewed things up at all. Just allow her to run outside some every day.

BTW.....technically, the breed is now called the Parson Russell Terrier
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

Yeah, don't ask me why the Brits decided to officially change the breed's name.

Jack Russell was a minister, so they changed it to Parson Russell Terrier.

So now at dog shows, they use the new official name????
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

I have not heard it used yet and Mae Lyne watches those shows. I guess the new name is more "dignified".
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

It was also typical to crop a Jack Russell Terrier's tail to about 3-4 inches (enough left to pull them out of a hole by the tail if they got stuck while hunting).

Now in Britain, cropping the tail is considered animal abuse so you won't normally see show dogs with cropped tails anymore.
Re: I've been wanting one of these for a while......

Page 2 of this thread is "Forbidden" to me?

And now without doing a thing it's back.
Kevin, it should be working now. For some reason, when there are trailing periods in a thread title, it cause the thread to lock. You should be able to view the second page now. Thanks for letting us know.
Kevin, it should be working now. For some reason, when there are trailing periods in a thread title, it cause the thread to lock. You should be able to view the second page now. Thanks for letting us know.

Should you put a request in the instruction / introduction areas not to put the "......'s" in the title?
Cute ! Puppies make me smile more than anything else. I want one. (but a wrinkly little bulldog) By the way, prepare for exhaustion ! Those little jack russels are loaded springs that never stop !
Should you put a request in the instruction / introduction areas not to put the "......'s" in the title?

We did put the word out; but not everyone has seen it and we forget. I forget about it, too. Usually Dave or I notice the title and correct it before it creates any problems. This one slipped by both of us. Why this software does that I do not know. It generally works if the are three or fewer trailing periods; but I have seen three cause the problem.

Cute ! Puppies make me smile more than anything else. I want one. (but a wrinkly little bulldog) By the way, prepare for exhaustion ! Those little jack russels are loaded springs that never stop !

Man that is truth!! High energy dogs for sure.
My own Jack Russell's Mom and Dad died when they were out running around and chased a rabbit into a hole. They got in there real deep and then the hole caved-in, trapping them underground. The owner missed them and went to find them. He finally realized they were underground and he took his backhoe to uncover them, but they'd already suffocated.

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