It's my turn Carl....

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Yeah, i'm sure i could make a deal. She put it in the paper yesterday and already has a bunch of people wanting it, which i knew would happen at that price for a place like that. So i figure if i had to leave early she could have it rented the day i leave and never miss a single rent check. So i could negotiate a month or 2's rent and she'd have a 1 or 2k profit.
Well, i imagine i already do since she asked me to do a year lease AFTER she;'s talked to a bunch of others. But verbal aside, i still have to give her the application form and sign a lease. So i don't know when that will all be done for sure. I'm supposed to meet her today after work and give her the application form that the owner told her to email me. (she was just going to accept me w/o that) It would include a credit check, so i imagine she'll do that then call me to say i passed and to meet and sign the lease. Thats the only scenario that i can see happening. So i guess i won't be 100% till about wednesday or thursday. I still feel like i'm gonna throw up any second.
I just found out to my surprise (and a happy one at that) that the law here states that if you are asked to vacate the landlord is legally bound to pay your moving fees ! So i may just tell them i will pass on that if they agree to allow me to take longer than Oct 31 to get my things moved. That way i won't be in this horrible rush for fear of having to pay nov rent. If they say no, i'll simply hire the most expensive movers i can find and have them bring what i want to the new place and take the rest to new york. :grin:
Actually, i just researched this and there may be a problem, tho i'm not sure. Some of the info i found was for other states and i haven't found this law for my area. But what i HAVE found suggests i may be out of luck. but it's not clear enough so i can't be sure. Anyways, what i found was a legal site about landlord tenant relations that mentioned the moving fees being required for the landlord to pay, but it mentions "lease". Thing is, i rent month to month so they may not be required to pay me for the fees. This leads me to another question which is can they ding my credit if i leave any furniture there. Because if they can't i can always leave the stuff thats to be tossed and let them deal with it.

Anyways, i don't expect anyone to know these things, especially considering laws vary from place to place. But does anyone know of a site where i can find the exact laws for my area?
They can. I just called the city. There is no rent control where i am and the moving fees thing is not in effect where there are no rent controls. if i leave anything there they can have it removed and charge me for the removal, but they can't ding my credit. so thats good at least.
They are, but i have a lot of stuff they won't take, a few that are large. The rent is $170 less, but this is a studio and i was in a 2 bedroom place.
Right now i'm getting nervous because she had said when she emailed me to ask about stretching the lease to 1 years that "all the other applicants" would do a year. The phrase in quotes worrys me because i fear one of them will offer a higher rent or that she will see all this interest and tell them if they're willing to go higher she'd give it to them. I will be more than disappointed to say the least, but thats the way my luck usually goes so it wouldn't surprise me. the reason i'm getting more nervous as the minutes fly by is that she said she'd email me the app today, and at almost 10am i still don't see it. Start praying again Carl.... i think i need it more than ever.
Dale we are all pulling for you on this one. :y115: It seems even though the rent is cheaper but for a smaller place you seem very excited about the area so it sort of evens it out I suppose.
Just got this email !!!

Let's meet at 6 p.m. please - I will have the forms for you to
sign...let me know if this time is okay. I have to meet the realtor at
5:30 p.m. to finalize everything and get the key so you can start moving
in:) Thanks

Hey, i think i'm hungry, and just in time for lunch !!! :grin: :y114: :y31: :y23: :y24: :y44: :y45:
It is sounding good and prayers continue from here. It is a very attractive place. I would venture to say that you have got it. A years lease is not a bad thing. That offers some protection for you as well as the landlady. Usually, here in Florida, it takes three to four months to close on a house assuming you are buying through a broker. Find out what your average closing times are in California and start you search based on that. You could get it timed just about right.

Great news about meeting at 6:00 PM :y115: