It seems that it is official

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I think it is really great that people do give discounts to pensioners as some of them really need it as they really struggle to get through a month with what they have

I'm doing OK but still don't say no to my aged related discounts.
My medical treatment is now free, a doctors consultation was $45.00. I take Somac 40 mg each day, pack of 30 was $35.00 now $5.60. I get one car registration for free each year, on my big car that saves about $200. I also get discounts on annual land tax, gas, electricity and water rates. If I wanted to apply for it I can get one free return train ticket to any part of Australia each year. The list goes on.
I'd give it all away to be 20 years younger.:y8:
I'm doing OK but still don't say no to my aged related discounts.
My medical treatment is now free, a doctors consultation was $45.00. I take Somac 40 mg each day, pack of 30 was $35.00 now $5.60. I get one car registration for free each year, on my big car that saves about $200. I also get discounts on annual land tax, gas, electricity and water rates. If I wanted to apply for it I can get one free return train ticket to any part of Australia each year. The list goes on.
I'd give it all away to be 20 years younger.:y8:
Wow, I'm impressed TUP
We have universal health care, but none of the other benefits you named :y8:
I went shopping at the supermarket - full trolly. When I got to the checkout, the cashier asked whether my mother had a pensioner card and if she did, I could have her pensioner's discount. My SISTER was seriously unimpressed and didn't speak to me all the way home.
And by the way, my sister IS a pensioner and does qualify but she sure as hell didn't like being called my mother!:y10:
That's funny, but I fully understand the situation.
My wifes illness has aged her quite a bit and as I still have brown hair and look younger than my age, people sometimes jump to the conclusion that I'm her son - much to her chagrin :y2:
This has happened at least half a dozen times.
My son is 48 years old and we have always looked alike. The older he gets the more we look alike.
Last year a retail checkout cashier thought I was the husband of my 45 year old daughter :y2:
I think it's funny, but they are not amused!
For most of my life I wanted to be 55. In Australia at 55 you can take charge of your pension plan and self manage, retire if you wish to etc. So I did just that and was happy with my lot in life until last November when I turned 60, I received all of the paperwork for seniors discounts and the last of my brown hair went grey. Now I'm starting to think people should call me Oom also.:y8:

I have really enjoyed my retirement. I retired from the Army and then took a forced retirement (layoff) from the county. It looks like I am about to start on a third career - ranching. But I love it; it is an avocation rather than a vocation.

I went to a Long John Silver's seafood place a few Months back and the young lady at the cash register said "I've already applied your senior citizen discount for you".

That was the first time anyone's ever said anything like that to me! At first I was taken aback....but then I learned it saved me $1.88 and was like....hey, this is cool!

I doubt I'll ever actually retire. I already did that twice: Once from the Marines and then from the internet company I sold when I moved to the farm. The farm was supposed to be kind of like my retirement.....I enjoy doing it and as long as I'm having fun at it, I'll keep going.

Being productive helps keep you young.

I went shopping at the supermarket - full trolly. When I got to the checkout, the cashier asked whether my mother had a pensioner card and if she did, I could have her pensioner's discount. My SISTER was seriously unimpressed and didn't speak to me all the way home.
And by the way, my sister IS a pensioner and does qualify but she sure as hell didn't like being called my mother!:y10:

:y24: :y24: :y24:


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