Ignition problem

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It all started when I noticed that the low beam wasn,t working. Replaced the bulb now it turns on sporadically. High beam works fine, however, I was riding one time and I lost all lights at night, and quickly they turned on. The new problem. Bike starts fine, I start riding and the motorcycle stalls after a while, try to start with no success. It will finally starts again after 20 minutes later or so. Fuel tank full, oil within limits. I need some advise. Thank you beforehand.
Could be the timing sensor causing the ignition problem. The sensor on my Bonneville was faulty- bike goes fine- bike stops- wait for 15 minutes- bike goes fine until bike stops etc. Easy job to replace. It is under the right hand side cover over the alternator and it is set with a feeler gauge. The hard part it figuring out the where the connecting wires are routed.
It all started when I noticed that the low beam wasn,t working. Replaced the bulb now it turns on sporadically. High beam works fine, however, I was riding one time and I lost all lights at night, and quickly they turned on. The new problem. Bike starts fine, I start riding and the motorcycle stalls after a while, try to start with no success. It will finally starts again after 20 minutes later or so. Fuel tank full, oil within limits. I need some advise. Thank you beforehand.
Reading this reminded me of the same issue I had with my 1966 TR6C. I went out one night for a long ride. On my way home I had to climb a rather steep hill. Half way up that hill the bike stalled. I could not start it again. I reasoned I might have been out of gas. I opened the tank and looked into the tank and saw I had plenty of gas. After a few minutes i was able to start it again. I had it stall on me several times after that. Each time I looked to see if I had enough gas. After a few minutes I was always able to start it again.
One day I was studying the gas cap and found the vent hole plugged. I cleared the obstruction and it never happened again. It may sound elementary but its the little things that drive us crazy. I think that as the gas drained out of the tank a vacuum occurred keeping the fuel from draining into the carburetor.
Let us know what you find.
Updating my ignition problem:

Ive ordered the maint book. and Started troubleshooting the Ignition coil along with the Camshaft position sensor. I measured the coil prior to starting the bike and it measured 0.6 ohm, this is within tolerance according to the book. Also, I measured the camshaft Position sensor, which showed some sort of measurement, however, the book doesn't show tolerance for it. I ran the motorcycle to make it stall, and I retook both measurements, and these are the results; The camshaft Position sensor gave some sort of reading, while the Ignition coil showed no reading whatsoever. I'm under the impression that somehow when the coil gets to a certain temperature, it stops working and then when it cools off, it works again, as when it's cool I got the 0.6 ohm again. Unless there is some sort of protection system, that turns the ignition coil to prevent engine damage, I believe I have a faulty ignition coil. I ordered one, I will keep you posted. Ive heard this is a common problem in the T100. However, if it is, is very annoying and the coil is about 160 dollars tax included.

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