The newest, biggest and fastest Cowasaki. I hear their new flagship is a 9 second quarter miler. Sometimes I love the rush of an awesome inline 4.
However, when it comes to putting my money down ... my last two Jap Crap (sorry, I still remember Pearl Harbor) purchases were a Suzuki DR200e and a Suzuki DR350e - both I still have. The DR200e is in mint condition; the DR350e is a 1997 model in very good condition and its undergoing a restoration. I worked on it for about 4 hours straight just last night.
Tonight's to do list is - 1) install new rear tire and tube, 2) chain cleaning, 3) steam clean rear wheel and spokes, 4) paint the over and under pieces of the rear subframe (over is white, under is black and mainframe is purple), and reassemble rear end.
I'm doing a booth at a March 24-25 motorcycle swap meet and I'm going to offer the DR350e for sale there (at more than double what I paid for it).