How Much Is Your Head Worth

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If y'all keep bringing up these horror songs from our, I mean y'alls past, then I'm going to have to tell you to . . .

So you don't think I posted this as an annoying old song, I did not post it as such.
I'm a fanatic about being comfortable while riding and thought I would never find a comfortable helmet until I bought a Shoei. I'm on my fourth one now and its the one with the flip up chin bar (Eotech or something likethat) - about $700 or so, but worth it. Shoei helmets are not only comfortable but have great ventilation - like having an AC for your head in the summer.

If you have to wear glasses to see like me, a flip up helmet makes it so much easier. Previously, I had to take the glasses off, put on the helmet and then carefully thread the ear pieces of the glasses through the front opening and in between me and the helmet - not fun.

I also have one of Shoei's racer copy helmets - as I recall its a Nolan (?) with arrows and feathers on a bright blue background that matches my T100 nicely.

I also have a Shoei cruiser half helmet that I use mainly when putt putting around on my Harley. Its great up to about 70 mph, then it wants to lift up, so its strictly a cruiser helmet.

I recently found an old Bell Star (about 1979?) I used a long time ago and tried it out - talk about a loose fit, there probably was enough room left inside with my head in it to store a sweatshirt.
The reason people recommend various helmets for comfort is we all have different shaped heads.
Over the years I've changed brands a number of times but the best fit for me when purchasing the last couple of times was AGV. That doesn't mean in the future it will be AGV but AGV will be the first one I try.
I have always used AGV and sort of just stick with them through habit more I suppose. The guys I know that use Shoei say they the best helmet they have ever owned but are very pricey our side. So on the off chance of purchasing one only to find it did not work for me I just rather passed on them. Nothing worse than having a helmet that just does not feel right.
I agree, price doesn't buy you comfort. You have to use a brand of helmet that fits your head (and your wallet) or you will have a very unpleasant day in the saddle.
I too like the flip-up helmets. I currently have an HJC and a Nolan flip-up with the internal flip-down sunglasses.
My first helmet was a full-face and I was forever bending the frames of my glasses when I put them on after donning the helmet.
It wasn't so bad as the helmet aged and loosened up, but when the flip-ups came out I got one right away.
I don't find such an issue with my AGV and wearing of my glasses. I do however have to take them off each time before removing or putting the helmet on. Once everything is in place everything is great.
I'm more or less stuck with the Arai brand due to fitting. The other brands hurt my head unless I get one too big. I keep looking for an option in brands but none I've been able to try offer the correct shape.
Check out the new Nolan 44 with the removable chin bar - it looks like an astronaut or jet pilot's helmet; I have seen them at $350. Also the Nolan 104 (their flip up) is on close out sale on most internet sites for about $329.
me I replace helmets every few years for the fact that we do drop them they have a hard life but my life is worth more so $300 or$400 is ok with me