From Feb. 24th-
Well, it's getting longer and longer between updates (lack of play money will do that).
Good news X 2!
Item 1: Since I helped Kenny sell off some of his remaining VR880, Norton & Triumph stuff, and since I've spend a significant amount on everything else I've already bought from him, he cut me a pretty great deal on the Blue bodywork. So, it's paid for and should arrive in a few days. That's the last major expense on the project, everything else is nickle and dime, a hundred here, a couple hundred there.
Item 2: Found a very good deal on a BRAND NEW Megacycle 560-00 cam, significantly below list price (thanx, RoadScholar!). It's on the way and should be on the shelf in a couple of days. I'll need to have the cam followers radiused to co-exist with the lobes on the "warm" cam, but that's not a big deal.
Next step will be to tear down the spare 850 engine and yank all the needed parts out, then send the crank, rods & cam followers to the machinist.
Pix soon...