I bought my first Triumph as a box of bits as 17 year old.
Actually it was a 3TA in a Ducati 200 frame. It was Winter , it was only a couple of Suburbs away .
I don't remember it as yesterday, because it was over 40 years ago. In a different land to where I live now and a different culture.
Then I was in the Greater Manchester Area of Manchester, Lancashire , England. It was very wet and cold in them days for 6 months at a time. But you know that.
Now I live in Sunny Sydney , Australia.
There was a bit of traffic then and there is much more now.
Most cars were 850 , 1000 , 1100 and 1300 , with Cortina's 1500 and a few 1800 Morris Oxfords.
So didn't need much horse power. Fuel was cheap and I could get parts from Jack Bottomley Motorcycle Spares at Chettam Hill , Manchester and would ride down to Ferodo Factory on the way to Farley more and get brake drums and Shoes machined.
Went to and Marshalled at a lot of Race meetings at Oulton Park and Aintree , and went to lots of races to watch club and nationals. Saw the match races a few times, at Oulton Park and Mallory Park. Best time was when Cal Rayborn , rode the Harley 750 and wiped the Board with a Bike that should not Win!. The Rocket 3 sounded nice and the Norton's were more like a Commando S 750. With Croxsford and Williams. Ray Pickle won some races as well. He was very fast. I could almost mention 1/2 the field from memory , but let's not try.
There was always a couple of Boyers of Bromley Honda 750's circulating together at the back. About a minute behind the leader at the Finish. They didn't wobble and were doing a consistent job. I thought at the time , maybe they would be a bit bored , but now I know better and that they were having a Wale of a time. I could see they were so well prepared , they looked , sounded and rode round , like Hailwood's 500 Honda 4 factory bike from the photos from the back and they were in Unison.
My little 350 Tricati got me around for a couple of years. The Engine never stopped , even with oversize rings in it, that should not fit. Cause there was no rings around in Jacks place. Walken Motorcycles supplied me a couple of Tanks from there Ducati Stock , but then refused to sell me any more , as I kept dropping the Bike in the Snow and Rain.
As a 18 year old , I set off and stayed at the Bottom of Bray Hill for the 72 or 73 TT. Got absolutely drenched and had not eaten for 3 days when I got home. On account of the farmer not allowing 2 Scottish lads and I , borrowing a couple of chicken's. I saw a lot different bikes , I had never seen before including Laverda' s 750 s and Munch Mammoth, which wisselled. When I got back , my mates at college had let all the teachers at Manchester Polytechnic know that instead of College , I had gone to the Ilse of Man for two weeks. But I passed all my exams. JUST.
It was easy in them days , I just looked like I wasn't paying attention.
I could memorize 5 minutes of teacher talk , while staring out the Window , wishing I was elsewhere outside in the Sunshine.
Anyway , I started work at 16 as an apprentice draughtsman and the factory closed 18 months later, luckierly , a Cadetship came my way , as the Labour Government had told all its Nationalized Industries to DOUBLE its student intakes of Apprentices. Just in time for Christmas.
It was a boring long apprenticeship/cadetship.
So I did 6 and 1/2 years , before I got a mans wage. We were a poor family , because " don't mention the War " and I don't think , I could have survived financial without the wage as small as it was.
I bought the following year a Ducati 200 as in four wooded boxes for £40 and put it together over winter , brush painting and polishing it better than a spray job. All up cost me £125 , with Mick Walker Motorcycles getting most of the Money. It had a Triumph t500 piston and measured 220 cc.
Smoked a bit and piston broke, so I converted it back to 204 cc. That was a great bike , about as fast as a Triumph Trophy 250 , but I never pushed it.
A Magistrate with Flowers in her hair , managed to take my Riders Licence off me for having a Bald Rear Tyre , Horn Not Working and a Noisy exhaust. She didn't understand that Truck Oil had caused me to flattened my Silellium Genuine Silencer, I got from Italy and it went better , when I pulled the centre out.
I better stop now its 2 am and I want to get up at 6.30 am.
I have Bought a T955i and need some advice. A workshop manual in PDF form would be nice. Just a few repairs and she should be Right.
It won't be perfection, but it like most things , will improve over time.
PS: not a lot of people over here like old school. They much prefer new and plastic. Times have changed , along with demographics.
Soon will need a Red Flag. Forget Sydney to Melbourne in 9 hours and less on the old roads. Its two drivers , 13 hours on the Freeway , and getting slower all the time. The police called the last holiday , " Operation Turtle " , for good reason...
Actually it was a 3TA in a Ducati 200 frame. It was Winter , it was only a couple of Suburbs away .
I don't remember it as yesterday, because it was over 40 years ago. In a different land to where I live now and a different culture.
Then I was in the Greater Manchester Area of Manchester, Lancashire , England. It was very wet and cold in them days for 6 months at a time. But you know that.
Now I live in Sunny Sydney , Australia.
There was a bit of traffic then and there is much more now.
Most cars were 850 , 1000 , 1100 and 1300 , with Cortina's 1500 and a few 1800 Morris Oxfords.
So didn't need much horse power. Fuel was cheap and I could get parts from Jack Bottomley Motorcycle Spares at Chettam Hill , Manchester and would ride down to Ferodo Factory on the way to Farley more and get brake drums and Shoes machined.
Went to and Marshalled at a lot of Race meetings at Oulton Park and Aintree , and went to lots of races to watch club and nationals. Saw the match races a few times, at Oulton Park and Mallory Park. Best time was when Cal Rayborn , rode the Harley 750 and wiped the Board with a Bike that should not Win!. The Rocket 3 sounded nice and the Norton's were more like a Commando S 750. With Croxsford and Williams. Ray Pickle won some races as well. He was very fast. I could almost mention 1/2 the field from memory , but let's not try.
There was always a couple of Boyers of Bromley Honda 750's circulating together at the back. About a minute behind the leader at the Finish. They didn't wobble and were doing a consistent job. I thought at the time , maybe they would be a bit bored , but now I know better and that they were having a Wale of a time. I could see they were so well prepared , they looked , sounded and rode round , like Hailwood's 500 Honda 4 factory bike from the photos from the back and they were in Unison.
My little 350 Tricati got me around for a couple of years. The Engine never stopped , even with oversize rings in it, that should not fit. Cause there was no rings around in Jacks place. Walken Motorcycles supplied me a couple of Tanks from there Ducati Stock , but then refused to sell me any more , as I kept dropping the Bike in the Snow and Rain.
As a 18 year old , I set off and stayed at the Bottom of Bray Hill for the 72 or 73 TT. Got absolutely drenched and had not eaten for 3 days when I got home. On account of the farmer not allowing 2 Scottish lads and I , borrowing a couple of chicken's. I saw a lot different bikes , I had never seen before including Laverda' s 750 s and Munch Mammoth, which wisselled. When I got back , my mates at college had let all the teachers at Manchester Polytechnic know that instead of College , I had gone to the Ilse of Man for two weeks. But I passed all my exams. JUST.
It was easy in them days , I just looked like I wasn't paying attention.
I could memorize 5 minutes of teacher talk , while staring out the Window , wishing I was elsewhere outside in the Sunshine.
Anyway , I started work at 16 as an apprentice draughtsman and the factory closed 18 months later, luckierly , a Cadetship came my way , as the Labour Government had told all its Nationalized Industries to DOUBLE its student intakes of Apprentices. Just in time for Christmas.
It was a boring long apprenticeship/cadetship.
So I did 6 and 1/2 years , before I got a mans wage. We were a poor family , because " don't mention the War " and I don't think , I could have survived financial without the wage as small as it was.
I bought the following year a Ducati 200 as in four wooded boxes for £40 and put it together over winter , brush painting and polishing it better than a spray job. All up cost me £125 , with Mick Walker Motorcycles getting most of the Money. It had a Triumph t500 piston and measured 220 cc.
Smoked a bit and piston broke, so I converted it back to 204 cc. That was a great bike , about as fast as a Triumph Trophy 250 , but I never pushed it.
A Magistrate with Flowers in her hair , managed to take my Riders Licence off me for having a Bald Rear Tyre , Horn Not Working and a Noisy exhaust. She didn't understand that Truck Oil had caused me to flattened my Silellium Genuine Silencer, I got from Italy and it went better , when I pulled the centre out.
I better stop now its 2 am and I want to get up at 6.30 am.
I have Bought a T955i and need some advice. A workshop manual in PDF form would be nice. Just a few repairs and she should be Right.
It won't be perfection, but it like most things , will improve over time.
PS: not a lot of people over here like old school. They much prefer new and plastic. Times have changed , along with demographics.
Soon will need a Red Flag. Forget Sydney to Melbourne in 9 hours and less on the old roads. Its two drivers , 13 hours on the Freeway , and getting slower all the time. The police called the last holiday , " Operation Turtle " , for good reason...