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I bought my first Triumph as a box of bits as 17 year old.
Actually it was a 3TA in a Ducati 200 frame. It was Winter , it was only a couple of Suburbs away .
I don't remember it as yesterday, because it was over 40 years ago. In a different land to where I live now and a different culture.
Then I was in the Greater Manchester Area of Manchester, Lancashire , England. It was very wet and cold in them days for 6 months at a time. But you know that.
Now I live in Sunny Sydney , Australia.
There was a bit of traffic then and there is much more now.
Most cars were 850 , 1000 , 1100 and 1300 , with Cortina's 1500 and a few 1800 Morris Oxfords.
So didn't need much horse power. Fuel was cheap and I could get parts from Jack Bottomley Motorcycle Spares at Chettam Hill , Manchester and would ride down to Ferodo Factory on the way to Farley more and get brake drums and Shoes machined.
Went to and Marshalled at a lot of Race meetings at Oulton Park and Aintree , and went to lots of races to watch club and nationals. Saw the match races a few times, at Oulton Park and Mallory Park. Best time was when Cal Rayborn , rode the Harley 750 and wiped the Board with a Bike that should not Win!. The Rocket 3 sounded nice and the Norton's were more like a Commando S 750. With Croxsford and Williams. Ray Pickle won some races as well. He was very fast. I could almost mention 1/2 the field from memory , but let's not try.
There was always a couple of Boyers of Bromley Honda 750's circulating together at the back. About a minute behind the leader at the Finish. They didn't wobble and were doing a consistent job. I thought at the time , maybe they would be a bit bored , but now I know better and that they were having a Wale of a time. I could see they were so well prepared , they looked , sounded and rode round , like Hailwood's 500 Honda 4 factory bike from the photos from the back and they were in Unison.
My little 350 Tricati got me around for a couple of years. The Engine never stopped , even with oversize rings in it, that should not fit. Cause there was no rings around in Jacks place. Walken Motorcycles supplied me a couple of Tanks from there Ducati Stock , but then refused to sell me any more , as I kept dropping the Bike in the Snow and Rain.
As a 18 year old , I set off and stayed at the Bottom of Bray Hill for the 72 or 73 TT. Got absolutely drenched and had not eaten for 3 days when I got home. On account of the farmer not allowing 2 Scottish lads and I , borrowing a couple of chicken's. I saw a lot different bikes , I had never seen before including Laverda' s 750 s and Munch Mammoth, which wisselled. When I got back , my mates at college had let all the teachers at Manchester Polytechnic know that instead of College , I had gone to the Ilse of Man for two weeks. But I passed all my exams. JUST.
It was easy in them days , I just looked like I wasn't paying attention.
I could memorize 5 minutes of teacher talk , while staring out the Window , wishing I was elsewhere outside in the Sunshine.
Anyway , I started work at 16 as an apprentice draughtsman and the factory closed 18 months later, luckierly , a Cadetship came my way , as the Labour Government had told all its Nationalized Industries to DOUBLE its student intakes of Apprentices. Just in time for Christmas.
It was a boring long apprenticeship/cadetship.
So I did 6 and 1/2 years , before I got a mans wage. We were a poor family , because " don't mention the War " and I don't think , I could have survived financial without the wage as small as it was.
I bought the following year a Ducati 200 as in four wooded boxes for £40 and put it together over winter , brush painting and polishing it better than a spray job. All up cost me £125 , with Mick Walker Motorcycles getting most of the Money. It had a Triumph t500 piston and measured 220 cc.
Smoked a bit and piston broke, so I converted it back to 204 cc. That was a great bike , about as fast as a Triumph Trophy 250 , but I never pushed it.
A Magistrate with Flowers in her hair , managed to take my Riders Licence off me for having a Bald Rear Tyre , Horn Not Working and a Noisy exhaust. She didn't understand that Truck Oil had caused me to flattened my Silellium Genuine Silencer, I got from Italy and it went better , when I pulled the centre out.
I better stop now its 2 am and I want to get up at 6.30 am.
I have Bought a T955i and need some advice. A workshop manual in PDF form would be nice. Just a few repairs and she should be Right.
It won't be perfection, but it like most things , will improve over time.
PS: not a lot of people over here like old school. They much prefer new and plastic. Times have changed , along with demographics.
Soon will need a Red Flag. Forget Sydney to Melbourne in 9 hours and less on the old roads. Its two drivers , 13 hours on the Freeway , and getting slower all the time. The police called the last holiday , " Operation Turtle " , for good reason...
I bought my first Triumph as a box of bits as 17 year old.
Actually it was a 3TA in a Ducati 200 frame. It was Winter , it was only a couple of Suburbs away .
I don't remember it as yesterday, because it was over 40 years ago. In a different land to where I live now and a different culture.
Then I was in the Greater Manchester Area of Manchester, Lancashire , England. It was very wet and cold in them days for 6 months at a time. But you know that.
Now I live in Sunny Sydney , Australia.
There was a bit of traffic then and there is much more now.
Most cars were 850 , 1000 , 1100 and 1300 , with Cortina's 1500 and a few 1800 Morris Oxfords.
So didn't need much horse power. Fuel was cheap and I could get parts from Jack Bottomley Motorcycle Spares at Chettam Hill , Manchester and would ride down to Ferodo Factory on the way to Farley more and get brake drums and Shoes machined.
Went to and Marshalled at a lot of Race meetings at Oulton Park and Aintree , and went to lots of races to watch club and nationals. Saw the match races a few times, at Oulton Park and Mallory Park. Best time was when Cal Rayborn , rode the Harley 750 and wiped the Board with a Bike that should not Win!. The Rocket 3 sounded nice and the Norton's were more like a Commando S 750. With Croxsford and Williams. Ray Pickle won some races as well. He was very fast. I could almost mention 1/2 the field from memory , but let's not try.
There was always a couple of Boyers of Bromley Honda 750's circulating together at the back. About a minute behind the leader at the Finish. They didn't wobble and were doing a consistent job. I thought at the time , maybe they would be a bit bored , but now I know better and that they were having a Wale of a time. I could see they were so well prepared , they looked , sounded and rode round , like Hailwood's 500 Honda 4 factory bike from the photos from the back and they were in Unison.
My little 350 Tricati got me around for a couple of years. The Engine never stopped , even with oversize rings in it, that should not fit. Cause there was no rings around in Jacks place. Walken Motorcycles supplied me a couple of Tanks from there Ducati Stock , but then refused to sell me any more , as I kept dropping the Bike in the Snow and Rain.
As a 18 year old , I set off and stayed at the Bottom of Bray Hill for the 72 or 73 TT. Got absolutely drenched and had not eaten for 3 days when I got home. On account of the farmer not allowing 2 Scottish lads and I , borrowing a couple of chicken's. I saw a lot different bikes , I had never seen before including Laverda' s 750 s and Munch Mammoth, which wisselled. When I got back , my mates at college had let all the teachers at Manchester Polytechnic know that instead of College , I had gone to the Ilse of Man for two weeks. But I passed all my exams. JUST.
It was easy in them days , I just looked like I wasn't paying attention.
I could memorize 5 minutes of teacher talk , while staring out the Window , wishing I was elsewhere outside in the Sunshine.
Anyway , I started work at 16 as an apprentice draughtsman and the factory closed 18 months later, luckierly , a Cadetship came my way , as the Labour Government had told all its Nationalized Industries to DOUBLE its student intakes of Apprentices. Just in time for Christmas.
It was a boring long apprenticeship/cadetship.
So I did 6 and 1/2 years , before I got a mans wage. We were a poor family , because " don't mention the War " and I don't think , I could have survived financial without the wage as small as it was.
I bought the following year a Ducati 200 as in four wooded boxes for £40 and put it together over winter , brush painting and polishing it better than a spray job. All up cost me £125 , with Mick Walker Motorcycles getting most of the Money. It had a Triumph t500 piston and measured 220 cc.
Smoked a bit and piston broke, so I converted it back to 204 cc. That was a great bike , about as fast as a Triumph Trophy 250 , but I never pushed it.
A Magistrate with Flowers in her hair , managed to take my Riders Licence off me for having a Bald Rear Tyre , Horn Not Working and a Noisy exhaust. She didn't understand that Truck Oil had caused me to flattened my Silellium Genuine Silencer, I got from Italy and it went better , when I pulled the centre out.
I better stop now its 2 am and I want to get up at 6.30 am.
I have Bought a T955i and need some advice. A workshop manual in PDF form would be nice. Just a few repairs and she should be Right.
It won't be perfection, but it like most things , will improve over time.
PS: not a lot of people over here like old school. They much prefer new and plastic. Times have changed , along with demographics.
Soon will need a Red Flag. Forget Sydney to Melbourne in 9 hours and less on the old roads. Its two drivers , 13 hours on the Freeway , and getting slower all the time. The police called the last holiday , " Operation Turtle " , for good reason...
"I don't know where I'm going , but i know when I get there "
Hello and welcome to TT from eastern Canada BBEER
Wow, that was a great intro TUP TUP
I like your choice in bikes , especially the 1970 T100s and BSA 441.
Have a B50 , another project.
From what I hear, its a two month riding season in the North East.
There an interesting story, of a racer who built a Norton 650 racer , who was quickly , destroying all the Crankcases in is it Nova Scotia , in the 1990's , had a Austrian sounding name , something like Smitt.
@ChrisAnglophile Welcome to TT from Florida USA. That was a great intro!!
I'll improve it when I get time, slowly.......Florida must be a great place to Ride.
Except for the Alligators ...6 metres ..sorry ...19 feet.
And the Mossies .
Hang on , sounds like Australia...except more Mossies... ( Mosquitoes ).
The best mosquitoe, was a Plane , made of Wood , with two props.
Built in WW2 , to fly in , fly out fast... No good in wet climates , as it warped.
But could fly low and very fast ,
Daytona, that's in Florida ?
Always wanted to watch the Daytona 500 , tin tops , so impressed by the setup.
When the Kawasaki H2 750 first went here , they completely rewrote the rules on how to race...
It was so fast around the Oval, the riders said it won't go in a straight line , fighting all the way, and there this cracking sound , like the frames snapping in half continuously.
We they checked the frame and sent the Riders back out on there way.
Same thing, strange , tyre wear was horrendous, Suzuki and Kawasaki were convinced, there was no way , that they could get a tyre ( tyer ) to last 200 kms. They had the Fuel covered with Quick Fillers , from Car Technology.
But tyres and chains , weren't going to cut it , Kawasaki didn't know what to do about the Cracking Noise.
They checked the spokes and replaced any that were broken, but the frame was fine and they expected it to be a bit of a wobble, as it was a Japanese frame and the engine was wide and over 100 bhp at the wheel of Two Stroke power.
Well , all the spokes were always tight when after a practise , the bikes were checked in the Garage.
So , it was decided to get some professionals in to Film the H2's on the Banking at over 170 miles per hour.
Well when they , developed the film, they could not believe it, the Heat Build Up in the Tyres, made all the Spokes loose. The tyres and Rims , were moving around in all directions... No wonder the bikes were serving and buckling.
But as soon as they came in, and the tyres cooled down and the Rims, all the Spokes tightened up and all was Normal.
I think the Riders in the Early 70's and 60's in America, were tough , strong , hard men, riding Dirt Track for 30 to 40 weeks a year, riding dirt track . flat track... Living out of Trucks and 7 - 11's 'as such , they were riding on a shoe string and never complained unless it was serious...... Unfortunately, none of the 750 two strokes , finished the race , tyre technology and chains, had a lot of catching up...and for all the hard work,,, Yamaha came along and benefited from there hard work. And they never won Daytona... But they never used Spoked Rims on 750's again on spoked rims.
Good Night..!
I like your choice in bikes , especially the 1970 T100s and BSA 441.
Have a B50 , another project.
From what I hear, its a two month riding season in the North East.
There an interesting story, of a racer who built a Norton 650 racer , who was quickly , destroying all the Crankcases in is it Nova Scotia , in the 1990's , had a Austrian sounding name , something like Smitt.
BGRIN no, the riding season here isn't quite that short.
The season usually starts in late April/early May depending on the weather and easily runs to the end of October.
This year, spring has been quite cool and wet so it's been a slow start.

Here are the two bikes you mentioned.


I'll improve it when I get time, slowly.......Florida must be a great place to Ride.
Except for the Alligators ...6 metres ..sorry ...19 feet.
And the Mossies .
Hang on , sounds like Australia...except more Mossies... ( Mosquitoes ).
The best mosquitoe, was a Plane , made of Wood , with two props.
Built in WW2 , to fly in , fly out fast... No good in wet climates , as it warped.
But could fly low and very fast ,
Daytona, that's in Florida ?
Always wanted to watch the Daytona 500 , tin tops , so impressed by the setup.
The WWII Mosquito was a very interesting aircraft. I don't worry 'bout gators. I have a pact with them. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. I see them when I kayak.

Florida is a great place to ride once you are out of the metro areas. And you can ride year round. I live about 50 minutes from Daytona and the track.
BGRIN no, the riding season here isn't quite that short.
The season usually starts in late April/early May depending on the weather and easily runs to the end of October.
This year, spring has been quite cool and wet so it's been a slow start.

Here are the two bikes you mentioned.

View attachment 43925

View attachment 43926
Yes they look Beau !
They look like good fun just standing still.
I like the B44 in Red and its got Character.
Don't know to much about the T100s, but she looks perfection.
By that I mean, they are picture perfect.
The best part is, the bikes wiill plod alongmat any pace you fancy, without any harm at all.
Great for a Sunday , and yet, give the T100 some Revs, and even two up, it will surprise people.
Isn't it surprising, that the Maps have all headed back to twins up to 700 cc
WELCOME TO TT from Mississippi, glad to have you with us, i would love to sit down and have a beer with you!
Love too, too.
In England they Aussie , call Pommy Beer (Brit Beer ) , Warm Beer.
In Aussie , Beer is all cold , but then if it was Warm , I wouldn't want to drink it after its been standing in the Heat. ha...ha..!
The 60's and 70's were great times for music and such less professional than now, which is sanitizes .
Mississippi , didn't James Bond 007 , have a bit of trouble down there ?
Love too, too.
In England they Aussie , call Pommy Beer (Brit Beer ) , Warm Beer.
In Aussie , Beer is all cold , but then if it was Warm , I wouldn't want to drink it after its been standing in the Heat. ha...ha..!
The 60's and 70's were great times for music and such less professional than now, which is sanitizes .
Mississippi , didn't James Bond 007 , have a bit of trouble down there ?
He probably did but i never heard about it.
He probably did but i never heard about it.
I will have to work out how put up a flag and shield.
Ha..ha...! James Bond , Secret Service ... Another government cover up. Ha...ha.
There seems to be more staff in TT , than Hands leaning on a Shovel in a Council.
How's that Work.
I have always thought , there should be a Motorcyclists Cafe in Every City.
But it doesn't happen. So how's it work there , is it through Club Runs or some other means.
There is nothing worse , than like minded people not being able to get together...
Excluding K.K.K. and terror Groups and so fourth.
Or should I just call them "Error Groups" ....just made that up...
Maybe when its the phrase of the year , I get Acknowledged. !
Alligator and Crocks might think alike, but there's always one , that's gonna want a piece , cause he/ she missed a Meal.
Have you always wondered , why when your fishing in that Kayak, your mates in the Big Tinny , have a rope tired to your Kayak... Could it be your the Bait ..
Your very Brave , there's no way , I could be in a Kayak, with something longer than the Kayak, in the Water.
There was one of them "True Stories" , Get
In that true stories , a Alligator stalked a couple , after there dingy capsized.
But then again , James Bond , ran across the Snout's of Crocks in a Pond to Freedom... So enought.
I joined the Furum. To solve same issues with the 955i , I just bought. So I should stick with that.
But I would be interested in how the network works of is it Club runs or Rallies...
Or just old school friends.
Not personal you understand, just general , because them ditches are there for a reason.!
In that true stories , a Alligator stalked a couple , after there dingy capsized.
But then again , James Bond , ran across the Snout's of Crocks in a Pond to Freedom... So enought.
I joined the Furum. To solve same issues with the 955i , I just bought. So I should stick with that.
But I would be interested in how the network works of is it Club runs or Rallies...
Or just old school friends.
Not personal you understand, just general , because them ditches are there for a reason.!
I never expect quick replays , or even replies.
We have nearly a 12 your or 36 hour time difference ,
So when I Write something , everyone's Sleeping .. Or should be...or just plain busy.

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