Here comes Earl

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Hurricane Earl is expected to pass over eastern Canada on Saturday and bring heavy rain and high winds. The exact track the storm will follow is still up in the air as is the ferocity, but the best guess is that it will pass right over Nova Scotia. It may be a strong tropical storm or a weak cat 1 hurricane by the time it gets here. Seven years ago Hurricane Juan hit us as a cat 2 and did enormous damage some of which is still evident today.
Everything loose at my cottage property has been stored, and since it's at a lake, I don't have to worry about ocean storm surges, but there are a lot of very old and large trees within striking distance.
So, in the meantime, all we can do is prepare as best we can and wait and hope.
Hurricane Daniele passed well out to sea, but dragged tropical temperatures and humidity in behind it. All this week we've been swealtering in 34C (93F) temps with a humidex of 41 which is well over 100F. These are wasted days as you can't do anything but sit around and suffer. We have very little use for a/c here because it's normally a moderate climate, but if this trend keeps up that may change.
OTOH, when Earl passes it's expected to be back to a normal 21C (70F) for this time of year.
Waiting and hoping with fngers crossed in Nova Scotia.
Earl will be here in 24 hours and now appears to be on a more northern track which means here on the southern coast we will get heavy wind (gusts to 100 kph [60 mph]) and rains rather than hurricane force winds.
In the meantime, it's still unbearably hot and humid (for us) and it's an effort to do anything without breaking a sweat.
If we lose power for any length of time I'll be AWOL for a while.
Hang in there, Rocky. It will pass quickly. We, in Florida, have learned that a generator is essential, even a small one to keep the refrigerator and freezer going plus a few lights. Please keep us updated.
[quote author=DaveM link=topic=10035.msg49780#msg49780 date=1283507463]
I was watching the progress on it on Sky News this morning. Boy I am glad we don't get these weather conditions this side

Actually almost all of the hurricanes that hit the East Coast of the USA originate off the coast of South Africa!!
[quote author=The Seeker link=topic=10035.msg49801#msg49801 date=1283523054]
Actually almost all of the hurricanes that hit the East Coast of the USA originate off the coast of South Africa!!

This quite true - as odd as that is.
The revised forecast is that the winds will be bordering on hurricane force here on the coast so we can expect some wind damage with trees and branches falling. That will probably mean loss of electricity.
Yes Carl, I think the time has come to invest in a gas generator. Hurricane Juan was seven years ago so in the meantime I guess we became a little complacent. None to be had at this late date of course, so we'll just have to hope for the best.
[quote author=The Seeker link=topic=10035.msg49801#msg49801 date=1283523054]
Actually almost all of the hurricanes that hit the East Coast of the USA originate off the coast of South Africa!!

Ah so we do contribute something to the rest of the world after all :y114:
Earl has shifted course and will now pass along the southern coast and right over my head. The very dark skies, increasing winds with rain are now upon us, but the bad stuff is still to come in a couple of hours. It's not going to be as intense as Hurricane Juan seven years ago, but there will be storm damage.
The trees are in full bloom with leaves and act as sails so there seems little doubt that we will lose power sometime today so this may be my last post for a while.
Oops, the electricity is starting to fluctuate so I'm outta here.
I have no idea how well they are,prepared for massive power outages in his neck of the woods. Here we would have power back in two to three days on the average, sometimes as long as a week.