Kevin, you need to read up on the entire Motorcycle Club history to fully understand it.
Although I HATE the current overuse/misuse of the terms "respect" and "brother(hood)", some people are quite serious about it; and if you got the slightest bit confrontational about it such as actually voicing your last post in the presence of a 1%'er, you'd find yourself in trouble you didn't think possible for something so "trivial".
If a person, a non-1%'er, is overtly vocal about "earning" or "demanding" respect, instead of just being who they are and letting it happen by itself, they are on the wrong road. The 1%'ers earn it and demand it in thier own way, with might to back it up. The rest of us better just stick to what we know.
That's one of the best things about CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association); the first thing you do to become a member is to go through the training series, and one of the first lessons is on M/C history and how to treat the whole scene. 1%'ers stay clear of CMA because they understand the power behind our patch, and it has nothing to do with physical weapons. I didn't "earn" thier respect, I don't "demand" thier respect, I wear a patch that represents a demand for respect for somebody more powerful than any M/C or eweapon, and they understand that. If I violate the terms of the patch I'm wearing, I'm going down in flames like any other person who has crossed the line.
As far as this cop vs HA thing, it's a battle that goes on. This guy, I'm sure, is in deep trouble with his superiors AND the local muppets.