Let me know how you get on. I am also going to give the dealer a call later for this update. It was a shame really as I had none of th eother issues that people complained about such as pairing and volume control - then I try the heated seat and nothing! I am also hoping they include a couple more displays when they update it as I miss the layout of some of the original ones.Just spoke with Truimph USA, as I call them every other week....and the software update was supposedly released last week. I won't believe it until I talk to me dealer tomorrow....
Well super disappointing, I have requested Triumph USA to have my software put back to original, I will be removing my Bluetooth module and sending it back. Incredible how they are unable to fix it or even test it properly before releasing software. Not worth all the headache. It's clear now that they are unable to fix this.Update... My dealer did the update. The heated seat works on high only. If I press the button a 2nd time it still stays on high. A third press and it goes off. Fuel gauge is still not fixed. When filled it goes to full for a moment and then all bars disappear.
Pretty disappointed with Triumph. They had six months to get the software updated? Don't they even test anything before sending it out?
I have been very patient with them and never hear a reply after speaking with Triumph USA even though they say they will forward it on.
Anyone want to buy a Tiger 800 XCa??
Well I was contacted by Triumph USA, they said that if you remove the bluetooth module, they will be able to reload the software back to original. But the module must be removed first or unpluged, if the laptop software detects the bluetooth module, it can not roll it back. I was assured that this would work. Ask the dealer to do that and see what happens.Please let me know if they can revert the software as my dealer said they tried and it failed.
Yes it is, my bike has the fuel issue also after the update.One other thing … coming back from London on Sunday evening my fuel had dropped down to 2 bars so I stopped to fill up … e10 was the only fuel on offer so I filled up with that … upon getting back on the road I noticed that my fuel gauge had gone off completely .. not just empty but showing nothing at all … I did another 40 miles before it came back on .. I wonder if that’s connected to the connectivity issues at all ????
You do not have the update or Bluetooth module installed? You have only the original software? Now that is weird. Before my Bluetooth module and update, the fuel gauge was fine.But mine hasn’t been updated yet ?
But you took at least one update or is the software still the factory version.?Sorry… I do have the module fitted but the software hasn’t been updated since .. is what I meant .. the module was installed over 12 months ago .. heated seat not worked since but only this week has the fuel gauge had this problem .