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Although my Wife, Gretchen was born in Helsinki, she was a German citizen. Her Father worked for Ford of Europe and was based in Helsinki at the time.

I'm pretty sure she spricht und liest Deutschen fluently. I'm also pretty sure she's a card carrying Nazi! :y2:

Too funny, my wife thinks the same of me and I've never been to Germany.:y15:
I am an german, whats the problem? I am a Biker and want to write with other Bikers.
If had some people have a problem, that I am a german, than write not to me.

You are very welcome here on TriumphTalk and we are pleased to have you here.

Threads here tend to go way off-topic as people make jokes.

Please do not take anything they say personally. We are happy you are here!!!
I am an german, whats the problem? I am a Biker and want to write with other Bikers.
If had some people have a problem, that I am a german, than write not to me.

Those posts were good natured teasing at each other and at themselves. They were not directed at you or any other German citizen. Please do not take the posts personally.

Die Beiträge waren gutmütig necken sich gegenseitig und sich selbst. Sie waren nicht bei Ihnen oder einem anderen deutschen Bürger. Bitte nehmen Sie nicht die Beiträge persönlich.

Hi folks.. :beers:
thanks a lot for your replies. Well it seems to me that I have to get used with your special ways of humour. I will try to do my best. So far gimme please some time:y2:
I am happy to be in this forum, I never was in a forum before.
Greetings to all :y15:
Bikerdriver, you won't find any bias or prejudice here. We show each other plenty of respect, but like to make fun of each other once in a while just for a laugh.
Two things we like is pictures and lots of laughs.
It might take you a little while to catch on to our sense of humor, but rest assured that you are welcome here.
Pleas don't take anything we say personally. If something is said that hurts or insults you, please let me, Carl or Dave know and we will fix it quickly.
Your nationality means nothing to me. Here, we are all bike drivers TUP

Willkommen und bitte ignoriere uns einfach. Hauptsaechlich sind wir nur ein Haufen von Idioten von ueberall her. :y21: Jedoch fahren wir alle Motorrad und das ist die gaengige Sprache hier. Komm her und amuesiere dich – von Suedafrika.

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