General Health

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You lot aren't interested in the detail but 4 months back I had a health incident that resulted in me changing my lifestyle. I now keep a diet diary (7,500 kilojoules daily) and walk (real fast) for 45 to 60 min 6 times a week. Man I feel so much better!
This is a copy of my weigh-in each morning. I actually started from 78 kg but didn't keep records in the first week. That's 10 kg loss, my doctor wants me to go 6 mths before he retests me for cholesterol and blood pressure. Good news is I can still have a beer or 3 and am encouraged to drink red wine with dinner, I like my doctor.:y2:

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That's really good going Kevin ! It's surprising how the body responds to a change in diet and how quickly you feel the benefits from it .
And I have to say you have an awesome doctor :D
Does that mean no bologna sandwiches, beef jerky and Ding Dongs for lunch?
Don't know what bologna or Ding Dongs are. I've never become a fan of beef jerky.
The real comment on what I now eat is, I can eat whatever I fancy but to reduce the kg intake I eat smaller portions, don't snack and make sure I keep an eye on total sodium intake per day. If my phone app (EasyDietDiary) shows I've eaten too much I make sure I burn it off with extra exercise. I now consider a 6km fast walk as almost bumming around, 8 is my normal with a sprint within each km. I make sure I do a couple of 10 km walks each week and often do them twice a day. It takes a bit time but being retired I can afford it.
This life style change was prompted by previously unknown cardiac problems. They found I've had a heart attack in the past and not known, I also have a small tumor (suspected non-malignant) in my left atrium. I've been told that if I keep healthy I can ignore my history, if I go down the fat old man road I won't last long given that I had high BP and elevated cholesterol.
Health has now become a new hobby and I'm enjoying it. :y2:
Good to hear it Kevin! Glad your gonna be around for me to harass for many more years to come most folks can't take it but yur holding up well. :)

Really Congratulations and keep up the good work! I need someplace to squat--er I mean uhm stay when I uhm I mean come to Australia......perhaps I have said to much......
Good to hear it Kevin! Glad your gonna be around for me to harass for many more years to come most folks can't take it but yur holding up well. :)

Really Congratulations and keep up the good work! I need someplace to squat--er I mean uhm stay when I uhm I mean come to Australia......perhaps I have said to much......
Now you've used that word the men with black suits and dark glasses will be watching you.
Kevin, that is good news; I am glad to hear to hear it. I am on a similar diet, self imposed, due to my long layoff physical activity Stick with it; it is good for us older, er experienced guys.
Kevin, that is good news; I am glad to hear to hear it. I am on a similar diet, self imposed, due to my long layoff physical activity Stick with it; it is good for us older, er experienced guy
And its that attitude that will save your life.

Well extend it. :y15:

They suggested having the mass in the left atrium re-measured in two years. I've made a diary note to get it done in 12 months. Not a nice test, they put an ultrasound device down my esophagus to get more accurate readings from behind the heart rather than trying to look through the chest with muscle and bone in the way.
I didn't mention that 3 of my valves are leaking, :( s#it this sounds bad but again they say as I'm not becoming unusually weary during normal activity and actually walk, run and swim etc without problems all that I have to do is keep it strong, well along with maintaining correct B/P and cholesterol.
Oh the wonders of modern medicine. :y2:
For what it's worth this is the overview of my diary app for today.
I try to take in 7,500kJ or less of energy, I ignore the fact that the exercise actually allows (in today's case) an additional 2,683kJ.
On the app I can click each meal and the actual food eaten is shown, also if I click the energy button in cycles through intake of protein, fat, sat fat, carbs, sugars and sodium.
Now that I've achieved my weight target and maintained it for a month I've started light weight work. I've been told my weight will go up a bit as the strength (muscle) I'm after is heavier than the fat I've lost. We'll see, fingers crossed.

Kevin, I monitor my fat and (bad) cholesterol intake as well as the calories. I also take a lutein compound for my eyes, Since I have started taking it, my macular degeneration has not progressed at all. So far I have no heart problems.
I knew you where just a bleeding heart Kevin ;) Just kidding. Hope they get THAT sorted.
This stuff was only 25.00 and worked great on the Nissan....maybe it could help?

Seriously, I joke and poke fun....mainly at Kevins expense because he seems to be very good at handling it. And giving as good as he gets :) ANd he knows I am full of crap and its all in fun.

Really I am glad to hear you are taking your health seriously bet you feel 10 times better than you did a few months back.
I am a certified personal trainer you know.......I can be had for air fare and three hots and a have room for my guitars and the Tiger right????? All settled then, I'll be over as soon as ya send that ticket Mate;)
Oh I am "special" all right, You left out Redneck Engineer, Shade Tree Mechanic, Itinerary Preacher and Traveling Gynecologist ...............I am also a Philanthropist currently trying to get funding for a Half Way House for Girls who won't go ALL the way, you know to council and help them overcome this horrible affliction........just 35.00 a day from YOU can help a poor under loved 20 something year old girl..........won't you,

You also forgot EPIC World Class Smart Ass. ;)

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