Frozen Prostate`

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There isn't any thing free epically health care! Somewhere someone is paying for it.

This is now getting very close to starting a political argument. We (older TT members) have been down this road before and almost come to blows over ideology.
I'll embrace our system and you can equally love yours.
I have read several times that the most common form of prostrate cancer is the slow growth kind and nearly all studies have shown that men who just leave it alone live as long as men who have surgery and treatment, and the major difference is that the guys who just leave it alone have a far better quality of life thereafter.

I have reached the stage of life that if its not something that is likely to do me in before I wake up again, I'll pass on any doctoring, as quite a lot of my experience with doctors has not been good. Keep in mind that half of them finished in the bottom half of their class in med school.

I let a doctor talk me into nuking my thyroid glands about 15 years ago as he assured me that taking a pill every day would fix everything and I would never have any thyroid problems again. WRONG! Most endoctrinologists will keep you underdosed such that you become a sleep walking zombie with barely enough energy to get out of bed. It took me 6 years to find a doctor who would listen and prescribe medicine based on how it affected me, and not by some "average" chart.
Gary you are right about the slow growth, my Cancer started to progress "to fast", i was ready to live with it until it started this. I will have Cancer all over my body in a matter of a year or so if left alone. Its just one of those things that you have to keep up with.