Put it on. Blew out the lines from the top. Bled the system 5-6 times and the fluid was clean as could be. Fluid was dripping from the flat area on the barrel that the grub screw connects to. Took the barrel off and took it apart, put it back together and everything works fine. My first thought was that the rubber cup was put on backwards, but everything seemed fine. I have no explanation as to why it dripped in this location at first but not afterwards. I am not satisfied with the amount of pressure on the lever. There is a lot of play until it develops pressure about two inches from the handlebar. I screwed the barrel in until there was no play in the lever and then turned it an additional 360 degrees and then another quarter turn so that the grub screw and the flat area lined up. I will probably bleed it again tomorrow to make sure all the air that has settled is out of the system.