For Hemibee

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HEY Hemi!!!!

In all the move and such I have failed to keep you abreast of the "sideline" business ventures......though they have been small as I have been busy with the new job house move etc.

Being Southern By the Grace of God I figured you would appreciate this recent acquisition
hurt me!.jpg
sunday bird.jpg

Here is a little info............ they only made them a short time with the Triple minibuckers and vibrola.. 63 Reissue Firebird........can't you just SEE Lynard Skynard vibes pouring out of it?

1963 Epiphone Firebird VII Reissue

It is pristine without a scratch on it. Is your boy still buying and repairing as well?

Will post up some pics of my new office if ya wanna see "the collection" lol
That's sweeeeeeeet!!! Post up those photos, I'll look at 'em.

Kyle has been a bit busy lately and hasn't been doing much looking. He is determined to move up in his graduating class and also doing a bunch of community service projects to be inducted in the National Honor Society and National English Honor Society. All of this on top of this being the band's marching and competition season. All of this should come to an end in the next month or so and he might get the old 6 string back out.

If I get time between now and Christmas, I would like to build him a Diddley Bow and maybe an Oil Can Banjo. . . Dang it, this could now turn into an oil thread. :y2:
Well I could start a separate forum for all the horse trading and geetar swapping I do.

Here is a friend of mine from Bradentons "Doom Room" I went and played with his toys a few weeks back. Met him on a Guitar owners Forum
daves toys.jpg

Me actually PLAYING one of the Cigar Box guitars he makes.......I need to get him to make me one....they are a riot.
old guy.jpg

Not pictured was the Stratocaster he owns that belonged to the late Larry "Rhino" Rinehardt who was the guitarist for the band Captain Beyond.....and a little known group called IRON BUTTERFLY....
the man his guitar.......I got to play this very instrument ......and it was gorgeous best playing Strat I have ever touched.

R.I.P. Rhino.

Oh I could go on for hours..............Only thing (other than eating and breathing) I have done longer than Motorcycle is messing with guitars.

Here are a couple shots of my office
wall of boom.jpg

And my FIRST EVER acoustic. Epiphone Hummingbird Artist Series.

O.K. I will shut up now.

Sounds like Kyle has MUCH more important stuff on his plate......GOOD.....lots of time to waste your life pretending to be a rock star....someday I will grow up lol
Thanks.....would be more impressive if I could play worth a crap lol.
Hobby....buying low ---broken---not working or desparite sellers deals and rebuilding repairing then reselling for profit. Of course keeping the "cream of the crop" for my self lol

Beats Golf :y44:

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