Seems someone commented last week . . . "Well the outside is done, now one of the a/c units will go out before we can do the inside." My first thought on hearing that was one of my favorite quotes from Kelly's Heroes. . . "Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" Well one of the a/c units went out. About 1700 I noticed the a/c was blowing but not cooling so I stepped out to the compressor and heard what I thought was the fan bearings and noticed the fan wasn't turning so I went back in and shut the unit down. Not much I could do at that time of day so waited until this morning and called Long Air.
The tech came out this morning and we checked it again. First a restart followed by a visual inspection. When we stepped around to the unit it was obvious what the problem was. . . a Rat Snake was wrapped up in the fan shaft and his tail was stuck in a gap in the condenser and case, wrapped up tight, locking the fan in place. We removed all of the snake that we could and restarted the unit, fan motor amps good, freon good. . . AIR WORKING!!! I would have rather had the Rat Snake out in the backyard instead of dead in the a/c but at least I didn't have to replace the condensing unit.