Well-Known Member
I just had a great weekend away! I took my 06 T100 from Atlanta to Chattanooga on the slow roads. I don't do highways. Too fast and crazy drivers around here. It was my best friend's birthday (she rides a 2012 T100) and she wanted for us to do a road trip for her birthday. Sigh. I was nervous. We mapped a route, sticking to roads we were comfortable on, headsed out Saturday morning, took lotsa breaks to stretch and have coffee & food. We spent a couple nights in Chattanooga then home on Monday on even quieter country roads. On Sunday, we rode up to Lookout Mountain and attempted some crazy switchbacks that were seriously banked and had huge grade changes. Very challenging for us but we made it through then found a a couple gentle roads to finish the ride on. All in all, a successful first time away on my bike.