Disney is in trouble with famous stuntman Evel Knievel’s son, Kelly, over a character in their latest Toy Story 4 movie.
Kelly is suing the company for $US800,000 (about $A1.1m), claiming the Duke Caboom character in the movie is based on his father.
Interestingly, the action has been filed in a court in Las Vegas, the scene of one of Evel’s most famous stunts, jumping the Caesar Palace fountain.
Evel completed his 1967 jump over the 43m-wide fountain on a 650cc Triumph T120 Bonneville with non-adjustable cartridge forks and twin shocks with just 119mm of travel at both ends.
Evel jumps Caesars Palace fountains
Most of his other famous jumps were on a Harley-Davidson XR750 which became Evel’s trademark stunt bike.
Duke rides a bike that looks more like a Triumph than a Harley.
In July last year, stunt maestro Travis Pastrana recreated three of Evel Knievel’s most famous jumps in one night in Las Vegas on a modified Indian FTR750 Scout, including the fountain stunt.
Evel died in 2007 of lung disease at the age 69.
Kelly now controls his estate and is keen to safeguard the family’s valuable trademark.
In the movie, Duke Caboom is voiced by actor and motorcycle fan Keanu Reeves who also runs his own motorcycle many, Arch.
Disney plans to defend the action.
The post Evel Knievel’s Son Sues Disney Over Toy Story 4 appeared first on Motorbike Writer.
Kelly is suing the company for $US800,000 (about $A1.1m), claiming the Duke Caboom character in the movie is based on his father.
Interestingly, the action has been filed in a court in Las Vegas, the scene of one of Evel’s most famous stunts, jumping the Caesar Palace fountain.
Evel completed his 1967 jump over the 43m-wide fountain on a 650cc Triumph T120 Bonneville with non-adjustable cartridge forks and twin shocks with just 119mm of travel at both ends.

Evel jumps Caesars Palace fountains
Most of his other famous jumps were on a Harley-Davidson XR750 which became Evel’s trademark stunt bike.
Duke rides a bike that looks more like a Triumph than a Harley.
In July last year, stunt maestro Travis Pastrana recreated three of Evel Knievel’s most famous jumps in one night in Las Vegas on a modified Indian FTR750 Scout, including the fountain stunt.
Evel died in 2007 of lung disease at the age 69.
Kelly now controls his estate and is keen to safeguard the family’s valuable trademark.
In the movie, Duke Caboom is voiced by actor and motorcycle fan Keanu Reeves who also runs his own motorcycle many, Arch.
Disney plans to defend the action.
The post Evel Knievel’s Son Sues Disney Over Toy Story 4 appeared first on Motorbike Writer.