No, the piston slap issue, if that is indeed what it is, causes no vibes. I have it and my bike is smooth. It was very vibey when new but smoothed out in short time. At 27k it shouldn't be doing that. One thing i have noticed in 75000 miles/10 years+ of living with this bike is they will at times change in ways like this apparently due to the ECU adaptions. For example, you might take a long trip at altitude and the bike might adapt to that, then you go back down to sea level and the bike runs differently. I've had things like idle acting up then in time it goes away as the bike adapts. First thing i would try is doing the 12 minute tune by startiung the bike (do not touch the throttle) and letting it idle till the fan turns on, about 20 minutes. Then from the point the fan goes on let it idle 12 minutes further then turn it off. It adapts the bike and i think in some ways that riding doesn't. So if it;s some change in the ECU that may fix it. It's fixed a lot of issues for many people including myself.
If that doesn't do it then i'd try adding some liqui moly "jectron" injector cleaner. I have used many things like seafoam and techron etc, NOT ONE did anything notible. Tried jectron on the advice of a very knowledgable guy and i was shocked by how much better my bike was in literally just 1/2 a tank or less. Felt like i gained and extra 5 HP and iot ran super smooth and quiet. The stuff is magic. (if your injectors are not clean to begin with) And at 27k yours could well need the injectors cleaned especially if you got into some bad gas at some point. I would recommend everyone use that stuff once the bike has a some miles and do a maintenance tankful every maybe 1000 mikes or so. Years of trying all those snake oils but this stuff really truly does work. Of course if your bike doesn't need the injectors cleaned u may think it didn't work. Gotta NEED it b4 it does anything ! It also supposedly cleans carbon from valves, but i would assume that would take many uses before that actually happens.