Electric Vehicles

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Arctic Fox

Well-Known Member
Edit - This thread has been split off the following thread https://www.triumphtalk.com/threads/member-participation-in-forum.58641/page-10#post-354690


Well, I don’t mind reading about skating! Nice color! I have 2009 JCW. Can see a bit of it in the corner, note color.View attachment 55560
My Mini was just a normal model, so not Cooper S. It was my first own car, this is the 2. Mini was good car, but it started to be pretty old and lots of km behind.. This new one still has a gasoline engine (so it is not electric car, not even any kind of hybrid car). Maybe I'm stupid? Well, I'm bit old fashion person. See two pipes behind (down right).

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My Mini was just a normal model, so not Cooper S. It was my first own car, this is the 2. Mini was good car, but it started to be pretty old and lots of km behind.. This new one still has a gasoline engine (so it is not electric car, not even any kind of hybrid car). Maybe I'm stupid? Well, I'm bit old fashion person. See two pipes behind (down right).

Gasoline cars are still going to be around for a bit. If you drive mostly distances and don’t use it for city or near driving I would think gas is still a good choice. Not sure what the infrastructure in Finland is for electric. Hybrid I suppose is okay compromise, still it’s more systems that can break. I bough my JCW in 2008 new. I’ve done almost all the major service myself. About to replace the rear brake pads.
We need to better develop alternative and increasingly cleaner burning liquid fuels, not continuing to waste our time on all this electric motor BS. At the bottom of the food chain the power is still coming from fossil fuels via the plants delivering the charge to all the batteries. And the more POS electric vehicles we have on the road the more we strangle the turbine power plants even further with no tangible gains.
We need to better develop alternative and increasingly cleaner burning liquid fuels, not continuing to waste our time on all this electric motor BS. At the bottom of the food chain the power is still coming from fossil fuels via the plants delivering the charge to all the batteries. And the more POS electric vehicles we have on the road the more we strangle the turbine power plants even further with no tangible gains.
Was not LNG (or ''CNG'') bit like that? Still that solution was ''killed'' before it really got any real market share among of new cars. Talking about politics is not probably allowed here, so I will not say more.
I would think eventually other alternatives will need to be discussed as noted above. I like the idea of hydrogen based engines that operate similar to internal combustion engines. It would be a lot more simpler to adapt since the working of the engine is similar. These types of engines are already out there. So electric vehicles are definitely not our only choices. There’s downsides to everything no doubt, so I’m guessing a mix of technologies would be a good solution instead of just pushing one.
Hey! Couple of days ago noticed these yoofs, excitably shouting and gesticulating. As I got nearer, heard them: "Healthy, bro!"

An orange car. About 3' high, 8' wide. Done something with the exhaust just in case he went unnoticed. Looked like £200,000 worth to me. Twit had a BOSS personalised number plate. Left the barstool standing, pointlessly revving engine behind another slow-moving car. I was on my electric bike (bicycle).
It Australia the current Gov is obsessed with electric energy. They don't see or want to see how useless they are in rural and outback locations, where you may have to travel over 200 klm each way to do your shopping. There is also the problem with our electrical network, a couple of years ago during an horrendous bush fire emergency or local Mayor was unable to leave her home as they power was cut off and she had no way to re-charge her electric car.
Electric vehicles are as much of a joke as climate change/global warming.
I think electric vee-hick-els are the greatest thing in the world. Heck, they only cost like eighty thousand bux, and you only got to wait fifteen hours to "gas up" and maybe go a hundred miles or two at the most, and gosh, when the battery finally dies from use, you get to buy a new one for a paltry fifteen thousand dullers! What a DEAL! And they only pollute about as much as three gas cars on account of the waste and energy and filth produced during the battery-making process. I can't wait until I have enough cash saved-up in thirty years or so to buy one . . .

Oh, and about that climatic change/globular warming thing . . . I think it's for real cuz I noticed it gets warmer in the summer and colder in the winter. Fact!
EVs are on a short lifespan. Israel have made a recent breakthrough in the production of hydrogen and Porsche are very close on hydrogen fuel as they are determined to make sure their vast back catalogue of cars / customers can still drive their petrol cars for another century.
Hydrogen internal combustion engines are not a bad practical alternative. Conversion of existing engines might also create some work in retrofitting. Plus existing manufacturing technologies can be adapted, meaning retaining a lot of the automotive car industry sector that would phase out if the technology is not needed or adapted and reused. I’m not against EV’s just don’t believe it should be our only alternative. Diversity will help in this transition away from fossil fuels.

This discussion is a bit off topic. LoL.
Looks like forum members rate themselves over scientific consensus. Exactly how much delving and thought went into above proclamation?

Meanwhile, as America declines, China rises.
Lots of thought is the answer. EV's do not function well, based on production and materials they pollute more that gas powered vehicles and the manufacturers are losing millions producing technology that is far from logical.

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