E Petition Please sign

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This is for the UK members on this forum.( Sorry to the rest of the World ) Would you be kind enough to sign it, then pass it on to your friends, and ask them to do the same.
Thank You

[h=4]17-02-2014 Brian Hampton E-Petition[/h]You may have heard about the death of Jade Clark, a 16-year-old who was killed when she was hit by Brian Hampton, on the A31 while on her moped travelling to work in February 2013. Banned for drink-driving at the time, Hampton not only didn’t stop, but he then attempted to cover up his involvement by having his car repaired and lying to his family. He was sentenced to six years in prison – two for causing Jade’s death by careless driving and four years for perverting the course of justice.

He has now decided to appeal his sentence because he thinks it too severe. MAG thinks he should be locked up and the key should be thrown away.

This petition was created by Robert Parker when he heard the news. So far it has just over a thousand signatures which is not enough. It needs 10,000 to get noticed; 100,000 to get to the point where it can’t be ignored.

I would like to see it get that 100,000 signatures. Every signature counts.

You’ll find it at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/56314
Managed to sign it - I'm a pommy.
I was going to say I'm an Expat - but I've never understood the term, does Expat mean Ex-patriotic as in Ex-alcoholic or Ex-Kawasaki rider :y4:
Managed to sign it - I'm a pommy.
I was going to say I'm an Expat - but I've never understood the term, does Expat mean Ex-patriotic as in Ex-alcoholic or Ex-Kawasaki rider :y4:

Thanks Lucky Les for that the count is now up to 5000+. I too have never understood that saying, I think that it's Ex Patriot, I was one of them up till a few months ago. Now back on home turf I'm just an Englishman again.
:Saint George:
Done it

this happened down the road from where I live and know the road very well. Took part in a memoral ride for her back in May
thanks for starting this thread, hope you dont mind but will link this to some other forums thanks
Signed, the scumbag should get life

Couldn't agree more, but here in the UK and my guess much of the free democratic nations around the world, there seems to be a policy that you can't violate the " Human Rights " of some worthless piece of S**T's right to totally F**K up Innocent peoples lives and get away with only a slap on the hand. SWEAR

Thanks for signing the petition and it's gone up almost a 1000 since last night when I looked.
Nick, Thank You so much for posting this and thank heavens they upheld his, in my opinion, all too pitifully short sentence. Until the government changes the law to give Judge's the power to give a hell of a lot more years than just 6 years, this will tragically happen again. No doubt the piece of S**T will not serve the 6 years, and will get out with good behavior.
Can I just say a big, "Thank You", to all on this forum for taking the time and signing this petition.

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