Do we carry on with the monthly photo contest

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Keep the photo contest

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 94.1%
  • No

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
As you all may have noticed the entries in our photo contest are dwindling of late so the question now is do we just shut it down or carry on with it.
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Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

Well then if you voted yes you voted in the wrong spot lol It is asking if we should close it down, maybe I should Chang the question BGRIN

Question now changed
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

I remember in the past there were only two entrys one month, but it still came back and only three comps back it was 9.
I say give it a chance,there are new players coming in every month.
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

Suggestion - maybe we could make it a little broader. I know this is Triumph forum and bikes are paramount but not everyone gets out to ride as often as others and certainly, don't have the opportunity to find the right 'settings' to photograph with their bike. Michael rarely takes his camera with him when he goes for rides unless it's really long distance. We don't get the chance to go and find 'wood/forest' settings in the middle of Joburg for example.

So, maybe we could broaden the scope to photos taken on a bike trip, not necessarily with the bike in the photo? I could contribute a lot more then.
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

Change in the weather and also some tricky themes have made it hard for me the last couple. I will harden up soon and get into some winter riding. Maybe the winner needs to think about the theme a little more would be my only comment and also the watchers get out and give it a go TUP
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

I voted to continue with the contest. I enjoy seeing the pictures.
But if the participation becomes so low that it's not worth the time and trouble, then let it go.
Gromit makes a good point, but a bike in the picture is in keeping with a motorcycle forum and pretty much the point of the whole thing.
That said, I rarely just happen upon a scene that will do for the contest theme. I have to think about it and figure out where I can get the shot - if at all. The music theme was one I couldn't come up with.
I then take a deliberate ride to get the shot - not that there is anything wrong with getting out for a ride :y2:
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

I like to have a go and enter, but I've been out of action for a few weeks with a minor injury and haven't been riding my bike lately.

I think:

- There must be a bike on the pic
- Preferably a Triumph
- Keep the theme general.

On that last point, there was a theme on a similar photo thread on another forum where the subject was 'Roman Architecture'. I objected, saying that I'd have to ride about 5,000 miles to Tunisia to get that shot... :y13:
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

its been a bit difficult for me to as ive not been well of late and have not been riding much , but im starting to get better so im hoping to get in on the next one .
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

So then it seems most are just going through a bad patch then and it should pickup. Any suggestion on how we could better manage the monthly theme then.
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

I think you are right, Dave. I know that I have done very little riding over the last two months with all of the things I have going on.
Re: Do we carry on with the monthly photo contes?

I think you are right, Dave. I know that I have done very little riding over the last two months with all of the things I have going on.
It's been somewhat the same for me; lousy spring weather, and when it's fine, chores and "stuff" calls.
But the summer isn't over yet.
Oops, forgot to address the theme question.
This is very tough. You can't always come up with a theme that will include everyone in so many parts and climates of the world.
I don't see how a contest winner can do more that choose one and hope that it can include as many members as possible.
Winter is impossible for me so for about six months I'm out of it - as an example.
So then....."purple haired transvestite midgets dressed in cowboy clothes" won't be a theme anytime soon?

Darn! I had that one all lined-up!

Posted with TapaTalk

I could have lined up that one too . . . a quick ride down thru one section of Houston and I wouldn't even have to stop the bike to have a ton of those in one photo from the GoPro.

Like the others, I've been unable to ride for the past few contests but hope to be out there again real soon and can add a photo for the up comming contest.

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