The National Hockey League is going to file charges against the child for impersonating a hockey player...and because he made a shot that none of them could possibly do if they had 1,000 chances.
i disagree strongly that no one ever agrees to disagree with you the first time ! or other wise i would agreeIMPOSSIBLE. No one ever agrees with me on anything - at least not the first time!
100% + 1So you have BUY and PAY for a raffle ticket which is a game of chance, to then be ALLOWED to enter a competition, another game of chance, which is stacked against anyone winning? So you PAY to have a 99% chance of LOOSING??!! And who gets the proceeds from the sale of the raffle tickets? If it goes to the insurance company, I say let the kid have the money, if the raffle proceeds go to charity I say the insurance company should give the money straight to the charity.
But that dad did a huge thing - his boys will never play switcheroo again. Congrats to the Dad for his intergrity and morals.
The judge ruled on the case today and the young child was taken out back of the courthouse where they first turned him over to Al Qaeda to be beheaded, then his bloody, headless, remains were drawn and quartered by Medieval re-enactors, and finally his severed head was impaled by a madman who thinks he's Vlad Dracula from Romania.
The judge ruled on the case today and the young child was taken out back of the courthouse where they first turned him over to Al Qaeda to be beheaded, then his bloody, headless, remains were drawn and quartered by Medieval re-enactors, and finally his severed head was impaled by a madman who thinks he's Vlad Dracula from Romania.
I thought they might punish him more severely like waterboarding.
There are LAWS against such cruel and unusual punishment in the USA!
Katie Couric would blow a head gasket!
If she floats, she's guilty....if she sinks to the bottom she's innocent.