Could YOU be this honest?

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So you have BUY and PAY for a raffle ticket which is a game of chance, to then be ALLOWED to enter a competition, another game of chance, which is stacked against anyone winning? So you PAY to have a 99% chance of LOOSING??!! And who gets the proceeds from the sale of the raffle tickets? If it goes to the insurance company, I say let the kid have the money, if the raffle proceeds go to charity I say the insurance company should give the money straight to the charity.

But that dad did a huge thing - his boys will never play switcheroo again. Congrats to the Dad for his intergrity and morals.
So you have BUY and PAY for a raffle ticket which is a game of chance, to then be ALLOWED to enter a competition, another game of chance, which is stacked against anyone winning? So you PAY to have a 99% chance of LOOSING??!! And who gets the proceeds from the sale of the raffle tickets? If it goes to the insurance company, I say let the kid have the money, if the raffle proceeds go to charity I say the insurance company should give the money straight to the charity.

But that dad did a huge thing - his boys will never play switcheroo again. Congrats to the Dad for his intergrity and morals.
100% + 1 TUP
The judge ruled on the case today and the young child was taken out back of the courthouse where they first turned him over to Al Qaeda to be beheaded, then his bloody, headless, remains were drawn and quartered by Medieval re-enactors, and finally his severed head was impaled by a madman who thinks he's Vlad Dracula from Romania.
The judge ruled on the case today and the young child was taken out back of the courthouse where they first turned him over to Al Qaeda to be beheaded, then his bloody, headless, remains were drawn and quartered by Medieval re-enactors, and finally his severed head was impaled by a madman who thinks he's Vlad Dracula from Romania.

The judge ruled on the case today and the young child was taken out back of the courthouse where they first turned him over to Al Qaeda to be beheaded, then his bloody, headless, remains were drawn and quartered by Medieval re-enactors, and finally his severed head was impaled by a madman who thinks he's Vlad Dracula from Romania.

I thought they might punish him more severely like waterboarding. Can't do that now unless you just dunk his head with no body attached.:y2:
There are LAWS against such cruel and unusual punishment in the USA!

Katie Couric would blow a head gasket!

Katie has blown more than a head gasket......her career has been blown up numerous times.
She needs to be water boarded along with the ACLU members, I would say a 15 minute dunking, under water, would be sufficient for each. IMHO
They are too worried I might break one of those goofy new lightbulbs and have to call a HAZMAT team to clean it up!

Or even worse yet, I might spill a quart of oil on the ground.....

Something I never quite understood: Doesn't oil come FROM the ground? And why is it that the County is allowed to "oil" the dirt roads to keep the dust down?
Well - We Have Our Answer

"Miracle" hockey shot boy won't get his $50G

(CBS/AP) FAIRBAULT, Minnesota -- A boy who made an incredible hockey shot during a charity event won't collect the $50,000 prize associated with it because his twin brother is the one who should have taken the shot.
The company that insured the event, Odds On Promotions, said Wednesday it would instead donate $20,000 to youth hockey in Minnesota in the boys' names.

Eleven-year-old Nate Smith hit the puck through a tiny hole from 89 feet away during a charity hockey game in Faribault on Aug. 11. But it was Nate's identical twin, Nick, whose raffle ticket won the chance to take the shot.

The boys' father, Pat Smith, says Nick was outside and told his brother to try.

Feeling honesty was the best policy, Pat Smith told organizers the next day about the swap.

Pat Smith said Wednesday the boys are disappointed but excited youth hockey will benefit.

"Miracle" hockey shot dad: Honesty still way to go
Boy's $50K in doubt after amazing hockey shot

On "The Early Show" on Aug. 17, Pat Smith explained to co-anchor Erica Hill that, the day after Nate made the shot, "We were getting a lot of phone calls and the boys, we could tell, weren't feeling right about it. So I thought I'd better call over there, and tell them it was Nathan who made the shot.

"There was kind of silence on the phone, and then the event organizer said, 'Well, I'll pass that information on to the insurance company, and we'll have to see what they say."'

But, Pat told Hill, "I think the more important lesson is that you tell the truth and, no matter how much money is involved, it's always more important to tell the truth."

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