Cool man, cool!!!

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-30c........+125 degrees.......Man. I am not gonna bitch about weather here anymore.
We might get below freezing a few nights a year, but usually back up in the 50 degree realm during the day. Summers...get "sticky" usually never over 95-98, but the humidity can get up to as much as 84%, its like riding in a swedish sauna. But I way prefer that to the cold. And before you think S.Al. is riding Nirvana.........our weather Devil is the rain. Again for 2011 Mobile Topped the top ten rainiest cities in the mainland U.S. And everyone always thinks its Seattle or Portland. Rain GEar is my friend :y2:

Mobile, Ala.: 67 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
Pensacola, Fla.: 65 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
New Orleans, La.: 64 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
West Palm Beach, Fla.: 63 inches average annual rainfall; 58 average annual rainy days
Lafayette, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 55 average annual rainy days
Baton Rouge, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
Miami, Fla.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 57 average annual rainy days
Port Arthur, Texas: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 51 average annual rainy days
Tallahassee, Fla.: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
Lake Charles, La.: 58 inches average annual rainfall; 50 average annual rainy days

Gotta be part salamander to live here.
It's an amazing 8C (46F) here this morning, but out on the praries in central Canada it's -37C.
That's about -35F!!!!!!!! With the wind chill it's said to feel like -40C.
Thanks, but I'll take 8C :y2:
Brrrrr! That is terribly cold. I will take Florida, thank you. :y2:

Time to pull the bike out and go for a ride Rocky BGRIN
In the spring and fall we sometimes do ride (at least start off) at 8C, but knowing that it will eventually warm up at mid day.
More than once have we arrived at a destination with snow in the crook of our elbows, on top of your boots - any place wet snow would gather.
It amazes me that the weather in Nova Scotia is exactlt the same as here in Pittsburgh only a day or so behind us!

We had a couple days of warm (for January) weather in the mid-40s (F).

But last night we got more snow and the temperature dropped back into the teens.

This morning, my Wife was driving to work and there was a "white out" of snow making visibility nearly impossible. Well, someone driving in the other direction must not have been able to see the road and crossed over the center-line coming straight at her. She took evasive action and wheeled her Jaguar to the right to avoid a head on collision. In the process she left the roadway where there was a low shoulder. She recovered OK, but the black plastic splash-pan underneath the nose of the Jaguar scraped the ground hard and shattered into a million pieces. I've got to drive up to where she works now and remove the rest of the splash pan which is hanging down and dragging. Ought to be fun to have to lie down in the snow and get underneath the front end of her car!
Wow, that was a close one for sure!!
I had the exact same thing happen to me a couple of months after I got my new Subaru.
It had snowed and it was hard to see where the shoulder was. A driver in the other lane clipped the shoulder, over corrected and came across into my lane. I took evasive action too and we just missed each other by a hair.
No damage except to my underwear :y2:
Only problem here is that the splash pan will probably cost me an arm and a leg for a Jaguar! I could probably turn it into the insurance company, but I'm not sure if there would be a deductable or not. Probably not worth the time and effort.
Well here if we just have a bit of rain everyone falls apart so I would hate to see them try and ride in snow
Once the streets and roads have been plowed driving isn't much of a problem. but you have to be careful at intersections where the snow may be piled up and blocking vision.
But yes, driving in snow before the street is cleared can be quite an adventure
I did some riding in snow way back on my scrambles and yes it was fun. Remember we don't have snow plows and stuff like that it just sits there until it melts :y2:
That could never happen here. Most of the country would be at a stand still :y2:
Except for us here in most of NS..............for the moment at least :y2:
Snow on Friday "they" say.
Well we still have some areas where the mountain pass get closed for days because of snow also no clearing done just wait for it to go away. Then as I say we are not all jacked up this side for extreme winters as we don't really have them and things like this will only last a few days or a week or so.
I caught in the middle of nowhere, heading home from a long trip, 2up on my gold wing, in a huge snow storm.....rode really slow to the firsta place with accomodations we found. Stayed there 2 days, and came to realize it was not going to get better. Finally called a buddy to go to my house, get my pickup, tiedowns, ramp etc and come get us.
He drove the 6 hours to us, in a blizzard, scared shitless even with my truck in 4wheeldrive. We dug my wing that was sitting outside out of the snow and with the help of about a dozen guests staying at the place got it loaded and finally drove home. I am not kidding when I say that I parked the bike with only about 10 to 12 cms of snow on the ground when we got off the highway. In 2 days the snow was almost up to the seat height of my bike all around it. When I got it home I justparked the truck and bike still loaded in the shop, and it took a day and a half to really thaw out and get dry with the heat turned up high. My sweetie on the back wasn't even mad........she just said to me later, I knew you would ride slow and stop when you could she said, so I turned up the music in my helmet and put my heated vest on Max and hung on, and enjoyed the beautiful snow
I can believe it. Some parts of this beautiful country get plenty of snow, and I do mean plenty!!
A few years back the Penguins were in the 1st round of the NHL Playoffs versus the Ottawa Senators and a friend and I got tickets to game 1.

It was the end of May or beginning of June so we decided to ride our bikes up to Ottawa seeing how the weather here was nice.

It stayed nice until we turned North at Toronto. Then it got colder and colder as we headed North.

We rode in snow for around the last 35 miles into Ottawa and we were freezing by the time we got to our hotel. Had to make a run to La Baie for some thermal underwear!!!
I completely agree about the the lack of reliability of weather forecasts. If the weatherman says we have a 70% chance of rain, I don't even bother to to take my rain gear. If he says 30%, we are gonna have a frog strangler. :y2:


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