Cool man, cool!!!

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
In another thread the other day I mentioned our temperature fluctuations for January.
Last Friday it was well above freezing and raining cats and dogs. We were thankful it wasn't snow!
The temp slowly dropped to normal over the weekend, but this AM it's -16C (-3F) with a wind chill of
-25C (-13F)!!!!!!!!! Man oh man, that IS cold!!!
But you know what, by Tuesday afternoon it's forecasted to be above freezing again with rain!!!!!!
In the old days it would stay around -12C (10F), stay there for 6-7 weeks in January and February, and then winter was over. We got used to the steady temps and that's just the way winter was. Not so these days, Times, they be a-changin'.
LOL, I posted this mainly for those of you in warm climates who never experience very cold temps - just to freak you out a little bit :y2:
Yes, we would more than freak out at 40C temps. We would probably wither and die :y2:
30C is a very hot day here, and it does get up there sometimes in August, but inland away from the ocean it does get a little hotter - maybe 33 - 34C.
Parts of central Canada reach those temps.
I don't ride on those very hot days. It's just too exhausting and uncomfortable. On those days I ride in my air conditioned car to my cottage on the lake, go for a swim and then loll around in the shade :y2:
In Johannesburg (6000 ft asl) we do go as low -3c and rarely more than -5c - but only for a couple of days in the winter! Joburg never (or extremely rarely) gets any rain in the winter - up here we have a cold, dry winter.

But dealing with your climate changes Rocky - no thanks I'll also stick with :y61:
Well when I was a boy I lived in a town where it would be below freezing in winter not great. Also remember we are not all jacked up for cold weather so it's very cold when it gets cold here. I remember riding on those cold night in Johannesburg and when you go through a dip it seems to even be a few degrees colder and it actually takes your breath away :y2:
Well when I was a boy I lived in a town where it would be below freezing in winter not great. Also remember we are not all jacked up for cold weather so it's very cold when it gets cold here. I remember riding on those cold night in Johannesburg and when you go through a dip it seems to even be a few degrees colder and it actually takes your breath away :y2:
It's a fact! Riding into a hollow or valley, the temp can drop suddenly - especially if you're riding in the early morning. I've felt that happen many times.
I recall one early morning in September on the Cabot Trail I rode down into a big dip in the road, the temp dropped and my helmet shield instantly fogged up. I flipped it up so I could see and my eye glasses instantly fogged up! I was blind for a moment until I was able to drag my glasses down on my nose so I could see over the top of the frames until I was back up on the hill. Scary stuff for a couple of moments :y2:
It's a fact! Riding into a hollow or valley, the temp can drop suddenly - especially if you're riding in the early morning. I've felt that happen many times.
I recall one early morning in September on the Cabot Trail I rode down into a big dip in the road, the temp dropped and my helmet shield instantly fogged up. I flipped it up so I could see and my eye glasses instantly fogged up! I was blind for a moment until I was able to drag my glasses down on my nose so I could see over the top of the frames until I was back up on the hill. Scary stuff for a couple of moments :y2:

That happens here also. Even in the summer during the night or early morning hours, one will feel the temp drop in the low areas. By the way, today we will have a high of 70 F / 21 C. I will be riding shortly.

Just got back from a trip into one of our inland towns and it was a cool 41c, glad I had aircon in the car BGRIN
Just like you can't picture -20C, I can't picture what +41C must be like.
The hottest temp I've ever experienced was in 1995 in New England at a Triumph Days rally. It got up to 37C (98F) both days and it was very humid. I nearly wilted.
No matter how much liquid I took in I still got dehydrated. We left for home on our bikes and along the way I started to get dizzy. I was dehydrated and didn't know it. When we stopped for supper I gulped down many glasses of water and that did the trick.
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