In another thread the other day I mentioned our temperature fluctuations for January.
Last Friday it was well above freezing and raining cats and dogs. We were thankful it wasn't snow!
The temp slowly dropped to normal over the weekend, but this AM it's -16C (-3F) with a wind chill of
-25C (-13F)!!!!!!!!! Man oh man, that IS cold!!!
But you know what, by Tuesday afternoon it's forecasted to be above freezing again with rain!!!!!!
In the old days it would stay around -12C (10F), stay there for 6-7 weeks in January and February, and then winter was over. We got used to the steady temps and that's just the way winter was. Not so these days, Times, they be a-changin'.
Last Friday it was well above freezing and raining cats and dogs. We were thankful it wasn't snow!
The temp slowly dropped to normal over the weekend, but this AM it's -16C (-3F) with a wind chill of
-25C (-13F)!!!!!!!!! Man oh man, that IS cold!!!
But you know what, by Tuesday afternoon it's forecasted to be above freezing again with rain!!!!!!
In the old days it would stay around -12C (10F), stay there for 6-7 weeks in January and February, and then winter was over. We got used to the steady temps and that's just the way winter was. Not so these days, Times, they be a-changin'.