Considering a Move

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Charter Member #3
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Most of you know I have been working on a ranch lately owned by a long time friend. I was there again Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

About two weeks ago my friend called me and offered to sell me her rental property which is located at the entrance to her ranch. It consists of a mobile home a pole barn used as a garage and 1.14 acres. She said she would carry the financing. I was taken completley by surprise with her offer.

I currently do not own any property and I darn sure will not remain here in Central Florida when Dad crosses over. I am a country boy and I am wilting in this metro area. Thus I will take her up on her offer. We want to close before the end of the year, preferably on or about December 15th.

She has a tenant that I will let stay there for a while. The rent will make my mortgage payment. Some things are in the works that will enable me to spend more time up there and make the move. I have a niece that will help with Dad. She stays with him now the days and nights I am at the ranch. I hope to be able to make the move this spring or early summer.

In the meantime, I hope to continue working up there two or three days a week depending on my niece's schedule. I have no broadband service up there; but I will have ADSL put in when I move. Also my cell phone does not work there. I have reactivated Mae Lyne's cell phone which does sort of work there.

I am looking forward to the move as I love it on the ranch and it is part of my new beginning. It is also great Tiger country. :y2:

Best of luck my friend.

Thanks, Gary. At the very least, I am helping someone who needs help and we have deep, abiding, and trusting friendship.

glad to hear some good fortune is finally coming your way Carl :y16:

Thank you, Harry. I have done a lot of healing at the ranch; it has been very good for me. There is something to be said for hard physical work outdoors. It certainly makes one sleep well! :y2: Seriously, I am very glad for the opportunity to have a place that is mine. I will have it paid for in eight years.

Just the place you live now owned by your Dad? I was under that impression.

This sounds like the perfect set-up for you and I'm really happy it's come together like it has. You certainly deserve it Bro!
Congratulations Carl, that sounds like things are coming together for you.

As an outsider with a very small understanding of what's happening I'm thinking ...
Your dad has to be looked after before any other considerations.
Your happiness (after recent events) comes a very very close second.
Finally, make sure the legal people look after agreements regarding property. Too often friendly arrangements turn sour.

I'm really pleased for you :y16: even if it means you aren't posting every day :y8: .
Well this is some great news Carl and it is really important to own your own piece of land, a place you can call your own. Ah great riding for the Tiger so that means we can look forward to a cam mounted on it soon then. We need to enjoy the ride with you BGRIN
Just the place you live now owned by your Dad? I was under that impression.

This sounds like the perfect set-up for you and I'm really happy it's come together like it has. You certainly deserve it Bro!

Thank you very much, AJ.

Yes, the house I am living in with Dad is his. He and Mom built it in 1947. I was three when when we moved in. It is my goal that he lives the rest of his life here if he chooses to. It is not ADA friendly and as his physical condition deteriorates, we may be forced to something else. He might sell it and get a place that can be made ADA friendly. Actually, we are looking at this alternative as I type this; but there is no hurry.
I've got a friend who's Mom actually decided herself that she'd rather be in one of those assisted living apartment complexes. She knew she wasn't able to keep the house up as well as it should be and that sooner or later she'd have trouble getting around in it.

The assisted living place took over the house in lieu of payments.

It helped that she had friends already living in this complex of course, but she likes the place as it's like a little community of people of her generation. They have many activities she wasn't able to participate in when he was living alone. They have all types of indoor stuff to do and they take frequent trips to various places.

My friend is really please with the situation because he was constantly worrying that something would happen when he couldn't be there. He never suggested it and was floored when it was she that said she'd like to move there.
Thanks much, Kevin. I truly appreciate your words of encouragement.

I agree with the priorities that you stated and as you stated them. I choose not to abandon my dad. My whole family including my sister and her kids are well in tune with my situation and they offer me a lot of help. They no that I need a life, too - especially now. Unfortunately none of the family lives in Florida; but that may be changing soon. When I take my ride to Seattle next summer, my sister will come and stay with Dad . My niece who is visiting long term, stays with him when I go to the ranch.

All three of my kids are delighted with the purchase of the property; they know well that I am not cut out for urban life. I had hoped to fly to Seattle next month and on to British Columbia. However, the money I set aside for that will be going to the down payment for the land.

The ranch owner is very business savvy. She had to be to survive over the last sixteen years. She and I have drafted the agreement and we will have an attorney review it to make sure that what we both have agreed on is properly worded. We have basically used the same agreement that the previous ranch owner used when he sold the tract to her 25 years ago. A Realtor friend of mine printed out the amortization schedule for us. I will pay for the title search so that I can get a warranty deed as opposed to a quit claim deed. A warranty deed has to be drawn up by an attorney.

Congratulations Carl, that sounds like things are coming together for you.

As an outsider with a very small understanding of what's happening I'm thinking ...
Your dad has to be looked after before any other considerations.
Your happiness (after recent events) comes a very very close second.
Finally, make sure the legal people look after agreements regarding property. Too often friendly arrangements turn sour.

I'm really pleased for you :y16: even if it means you aren't posting every day :y8: .
Well this is some great news Carl and it is really important to own your own piece of land, a place you can call your own. Ah great riding for the Tiger so that means we can look forward to a cam mounted on it soon then. We need to enjoy the ride with you BGRIN
I am afraid that the cam is now on the back burner for a while. My discretionary money is going toward the down payment. But I will get one! BGRIN

Good for you Carl. TUP Oh, by the way I'm working the weekend you are moving so I can't make it over to help you... :y47: BGRIN

Yeah I was also disappointed I could not make it over to help move :y2:

Well guys, thanks for the thoughts anyway - I think. :y2: :y2:
I've got a friend who's Mom actually decided herself that she'd rather be in one of those assisted living apartment complexes. She knew she wasn't able to keep the house up as well as it should be and that sooner or later she'd have trouble getting around in it.

The assisted living place took over the house in lieu of payments.

It helped that she had friends already living in this complex of course, but she likes the place as it's like a little community of people of her generation. They have many activities she wasn't able to participate in when he was living alone. They have all types of indoor stuff to do and they take frequent trips to various places.

My friend is really please with the situation because he was constantly worrying that something would happen when he couldn't be there. He never suggested it and was floored when it was she that said she'd like to move there.

If Dad wishes to do that, of course, I would go along with it. However, I will not farm him out. He is still doing well physically. The only thing I worry about is him falling. If he trips and falls, he cannot get himself back up. That is why someone needs to be here - and to protect him from predators who like to prey on the elderly. He is thinking about something smaller and more handicapped friendly. I do pay for a housekeeper to clean once a week here. That costs me $45.00 per wekk - and she is well worth it, especially with his two dogs in the house.
Some good news there.

I'd prefer to live out of the city's too. I was brought up around farms and plots, this city rat race living gets me down every now and then.

Prefer the peace and quiet of the night, not the neighbours music and cars driving past all night long.

Some good news there.

I'd prefer to live out of the city's too. I was brought up around farms and plots, this city rat race living gets me down every now and then.

Prefer the peace and quiet of the night, not the neighbours music and cars driving past all night long.


I hear you loud and clear. On the ranch, I hear only wildlife, cows and tractors. BGRIN

That will be so nice and peaceful. Good 4 U. I think i would love a rural place and i could afford that easily too. But there are so many other considerations it would be a tough call 4 me. But I can understand how you would jump on that opportunity. Theres something just so much more right about living like that then in congested cities. I grew up and spent my whole life here in the big city and it would be a shock to change so radically. But there is such a feeling or peace and it's such a spiritual feeling being in rural environments. Good luck Carl. I hope you are happy there.
That will be so nice and peaceful. Good 4 U. I think i would love a rural place and i could afford that easily too. But there are so many other considerations it would be a tough call 4 me. But I can understand how you would jump on that opportunity. Theres something just so much more right about living like that then in congested cities. I grew up and spent my whole life here in the big city and it would be a shock to change so radically. But there is such a feeling or peace and it's such a spiritual feeling being in rural environments. Good luck Carl. I hope you are happy there.

Thank you, Dale. You pegged it with the spiritual feeling in rural environments. I can certainly feel it on the ranch. It has greatly contributed to my healing process. A big plus is my new neighbor. She is a very dear and caring person; I cherish our friendship.


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