Rocky now that is a cool story
This is how the chain of events went:
A fellow I worked with (10 years younger) bought his first motorcycle in his early forties and was bugging me to buy a bike too. I wasn't the least bit interested.
On that day in January he asked me to come along as he was going to the bike dealership to pick up some items. I wasn't doing anything so went along.
When we walked in I was stunned at all the chrome, graphics, paint schemes and variety of bikes, but I didn't know one name from another.
My friend explained what the diferent models were, etc., but most of it went over my head.
Every couple of weeks or so for the rest of the winter we went back to the dealership to hang around and I gradually got hooked.
As mentioned, by April I had a new H***a.
Four months earlier I had no intention whatever in buying a motorcycle, but that dormant desire and the fun of the Fifties finally came out

What a great ride it has been!!!!!