I don't know about the rest of the world, but in SA on most cell phone packages, especially "pay as you go" type setups, we get a free sms service called "Please call me". This allows someone to send a sms to another person asking them to please phone.
I know it's petty but seriously - the call costs me exactly the same as it would cost the sender, the sender wants to contact me but I must pay for the call??:y14: I can't tell you how much this gets up my nose!!!
I understand that there's a place for this - kids needing to contact parents or extreme emergencies when the sender has run out of airtime etc but to do this EVERY time?? Total abuse in my opinion.
So why am I griping about this so early on a Monday morning? It's 8:06am here and I've already had 3 'please call me's' - all from fairly wealthy people!!! DOUBLE :y14::y14:
I know it's petty but seriously - the call costs me exactly the same as it would cost the sender, the sender wants to contact me but I must pay for the call??:y14: I can't tell you how much this gets up my nose!!!
I understand that there's a place for this - kids needing to contact parents or extreme emergencies when the sender has run out of airtime etc but to do this EVERY time?? Total abuse in my opinion.
So why am I griping about this so early on a Monday morning? It's 8:06am here and I've already had 3 'please call me's' - all from fairly wealthy people!!! DOUBLE :y14::y14: