I used to race division II speedway here in the states & also raced some short track prior to that. Back in the 70's, I rode Ossa 250's & always used "Blendzall Gold label" mixed at 20:1 for the reasons that it does provide excellent top end lubrication in two strokes & probably to be honest, I love the smell of castor so much that if I could get it as a after shave I & most of my friends would've been wearing it every day! I also used to dump the left over fuel in my truck because I was only 18 and broke from racing motorcycles, so it only made perfect sense to use it & make my truck smell good too! There was & probably still is "Green label" too, but for some reason it doesn't smell anywhere close to as good as the gold. I still will get a bottle ( much more expensive now) of gold label and pour a splash in the fuel of my 1970 Daytona, again for the smell more than anything else, there is a ratio meant for four strokes on the bottle but who reads directions? All I know is my bike smells like heaven to me, it doesn't smoke by the way. I used to use "Oilzall" 50w racing castor in my speedway bike, a Jawa 897 up until my last race in 2001. Fuel was straight methanol but the 50w castor smells just like if I used the fuel additive in a two stroke would smell. I also got my oil free of charge because my friend whom I traveled with & kept my bike at his house though retired now, was very famous so naturally was sponsored for everything, and passed it on down to me. We both ran the 50w in our street bikes, mine being my Daytona & his was a 1970 Yamaha 650. Anytime we went to bike night we could hear all of the people mumbling under their breath; race gas, race gas, which is what they thought ( most of em') we were running because it is only natural to think that if they're unfamiliar with speedway racing, fuel is always straight methanol, the real fast guys like my friend would add a little nitro on certain nights, when your eyes burn, it's nitro, we even put a splash of that in my Daytona tank one night, a small dose! But I always used the "Oilzall" in the crank case, it does smell identical to "Castrol R" by the way, which smells exactly like "Blendzall Gold label" fuel additive, it's all castor or bean oil to be precise and smells fantastic! There is a drawback however if you use "Castrol R" 50w racing oil, if at the end of the season or if the bike is shut down for any length of time, and you don't flush out the oil tank and the rest of the system, then empty it, it will glue the engine together like you never dreamed could happen! My Daytona broke a push rod or it jumped out of the retainer ( probably because it was getting a little gummy in there without a rinse in between fall & spring) and I didn't get around to fixing it due to circumstances beyond my control, my friend lost their house in the recession of 06' & therefore I lost a place to work on my bike, I moved it out to another friend's place pretty far from mine. The bike ended up sitting for a while ( I'm too embarrassed to say how long, the important thing is I have it up & been riding it for a few years again, and even took a short rip up the street & back the other day, it's on regular Castrol 50w now days) and I brought it to a friend to rebuild while I was fighting cancer, I just did the cosmetic things and left the engine to him. He told me it wasn't easy to take it apart, he worded it differently but I won't repeat it in case any young kids happen to read this! So, I think I have given the pros & cons of using Castrol "R" in a street bike, and if you're crazy for the smell of castor like we were when I was a kid, and how at 65 in a few months, still love it, you're best off to keep it to "Blendzall Gold label" & just use it for the smell and some extra top end lubrication because if you use it as your main lower end oil for the crank, it's the best you can use for lubricant or it wouldn't be used in every speedway bike from Costa Mesa, California to Poland & the UK for Speedway GP but if you're going to let it sit for a long time, it's the best glue money can buy or you get free of charge!