Can the Pan American Adventure Bike pull HD out of its tailspin?

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Harley are now at the point of no return and is in the same place Triumph was in the late 70's !!! ..... strugling to keep up and pushing out the same old bikes theyv'e been building for years .
Lets hope they get through and learn some harsh lessons and stop trading on a name , im not a fan but i would hate to see such an iconic name disapear in to history ...... SO COME ON HD START BUILDING STUFF WE WANT !!!!
Shane, I agree with you 100%. I am not a fan either - because HD does not make anything I like! But I don't want to see them disappear. Maybe a good and good looking adventure bike is a step in the right direction. I wouldn't give up my triple for a V twin; but I suspect there are a lot of riders out there who would consider an HD adventure bike.
I have never had any interest in H-D, but I would hate to see them fall on hard times - or even fail.
They should have changed direction years ago. Time marches on and the H-D faithful are falling away.
The younger generations are not that interested in these big, heavy cruisers.
IM a real big fan of vtwins and have owened many including the guzzi stelvio i own now , but ive never liked any Harley ever built and the only one i would ever consider is the roadglide if i was looking for a tourer ... BUT at £25000 :y26: i would buy a trophy 1200 and the new 1200 scrambler for damn near the same money .

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