We're all acclimated to our own environment and extremes one way or the other causes us grief. That's just the way we are and that's just the way it is.
I live right on the Atlantic coast which influences our temperatures a lot. We have cooling ocean breezes in the summer and very often mild days in the winter as warm southern air is swept up the continental coast. That's what causes our yo-yo temps in the winter. It seems that as the years pass it's becoming more of a yo-yo as we don't seem to get solid cold winter temps anymore.
I like riding in the spring and fall as I can wear all my riding gear and not wither due to the heat. If the temps hit 30C(86F) I don't bother to ride during the day. It's just too uncomfortable.
I bought a waist-length textile jacket last year that is of the mesh variety and flows a lot of air so I'm now able to handle the hotter days better.