Break in.

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bad luck silli i just hate these b****ds they just think they can help them selves to your hard earned stuff , well they bum round looking for there next victum .
string em up i say ! ANGER
on a lighter note at least they didnt take the dogs :y2:
Very sorry to hear about the break in. That sucks on so many levels.
We have 10 dogs......I can't even get in ...or out of my house with out at least ONE noticing......and then they all go off...they sleep in "staged areas" some by back door, some by the front and the largest blackest meanest of the lot sleeps on the floor in our room. Can't see him at night unless he smiles:y2: 90lbs Lab Bloodhound mix. Plus a very curious and noisy parrot by the sliding glass door, and a large male (with tusks) pig in the fenced yard....Its funny when the home alarm salesman knocked on the door last Saturday.....didn't even need to make up an excuse after I fought my way through the sea of snarling dogs to the door where he admitted I probably didn't NEED an alarm......:y13: smart feller. Of course the loaded weapons in the nightstands will fix whatever the dogs leave breathing.
However, the alarm system would be cheaper than feeding this lot for sure.
Geese do the job at some Highland distilleries, or so we've been told.
We had a couple of geese some years ago and they make great pets / security systems.
Silli you in Africa so use the right tools for the job


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