Bit of luck (for a change)

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I went to go buy a new tv yesterday and unfortunately ended up at Game, however they did have the tv I wanted........

I walked in and got starting looking at the telly's when I got approached by the salesman.
Told him which tv I'm after and he directed me to a display, which funnily enough was the tv I wanted. (I did a bit of research before hand and knew what model I wanted)

Ahhh wait, this is on special now, R2000.00 off.


"Brilliant, I'll have one of those and a wall mount please!"

"Okay, can I have your tv license please"

"Sure, here it is"

"Ummm this is not in your name"

Yep, the license is in the missus's name...


I need my wifes ID proof AND the tv license. :y14:

Spend the next hour at least trying to get a fax from my missus.

No go, I mean who uses faxes anymore.

Eventually the salesman says they will take and emailed copy. !!!???!!!:y13::y14:

Okay, another 15 minute wait for him to run upstairs and fetch it. Then another customer corners him.... Aargh.

Okay, all good, I have all the documents - now I can go and pay,...

So off I trundle, the guy in front of me is having problems with his card.... Sigh.:y8:

Okay, my turn, I pay, then get sent off to another counter....

Eventually get my license slip signed off and I get another slip to go and get my tv.

Back to the salesman, now he's been cornered by yet more customers. :y8:

A little while later.. My turn!!!:y2::y2:

"Okay, your tv's over there, but just hold I'm going to give you something", and he runs off. Again.

Pull out my phone and start browsing youtube... Bored now.
I thought, okay looks like I'm getting a voucher for all the hassles....

Salesman arrives again, in the middle of the new flexible nokia video I'm drooling over.

Here you go..


Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookay, alright then. If you insist.


So I went to buy my tv, I saved R2000 and got a tablet for nothing.

F$ck me.

Oh, I can control my tv with the tablet too. lol Bwahahahahahaha :y2:

I got everything on this tv, internet, media centre, DLNA

Now the missus can do her facebook on the tv and I can watch dodgy video's on youtube and plan breakfast runs with google maps.

I never blew my top in the store. I did have to go outside and have a smoke though.

Guess karma's paid me back some.


Buy a lotto ticket for me too.

I guess this was your lucky day, hope I get another lucky day before too long. The last one was the smoking deal I got on my Tiger, 50% below value.

One question, what's a TV license?

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Re: TV License

There is free to air in South Africa, but you have to have a tv license to be legal.
Any monitor / home theatre / tv / av receiver that is capable of accepting a video signal has to be 'licensed'.

In the early years, circa 1976 you couldn't even buy a radio without a license.

yep, Africa - yet another way the public funds the corrupt plonkers in government.

Congratulations, Gareth; you struck pay dirt! Very good. The right place at the right time. TUP


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