That does suck; but I am glad it got caught before real damage was done. Please update us on the cause.
well here is the story of the cause of the metal. when my brother and i redid the top end from the piston melt down. we thought that we had gotten all of the metal out of the crank case. for which I am sure that we did. But the part that we failed to remember from our newness to the way the motor and trany are built we forgot about the oil being shared. so i don't know that a person could ever do a very good job getting it all out of the motor. so lesson learned some types of top end rebuilds should only be done by a shop that knows how and has all proper tools to do the strip down and cleaning. since a melted piston makes a mess. i should of let the mechanic do it the first time. al well i learned my lesson. and now he is doing it so the job will be done right.