This was on the regional news here in Lincolnshire too. It's prats like this dimwit that give people who love motorcycling for all it has given them and the friendships gained over the years, a bad name. I've ridden that road and as long as you remember your not at the Isle of Man TT it's perfectly safe. The scenery is stunning and the road in the main is very good, which begs the question why do you want to go like a raving lunatic on public roads anyway. There're track days for that. This idiot is obviously a weekend warrior.
The other thing that bugs me about TV reports like this one from the BBC is that you never hear of the carnage caused by the boy racers in their cars, but the minute a biker ( Term loosely used) does something like this, it's on the news. I'd like to thank him for adding to the negative image that the public already has of Motorcyclists.
Do us all a favor mate and give up motorcycling, and leave us who love Motorcycling to get on and enjoy it without idiots like you