Battery Death

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Curious if anyone else has ever seen this problem.
My battery is on it's last legs and I had to jp start the bike to get it running this spring. Also if I don't rev it while stopped it will die.

However I noticed while revving it in neutral the oil light was flickering and the speedometer was revving with the tac. I'm in neutral at a light and revving away to around 3000 rpm and the speedo is jumping up to 80 km/hr. Also the oil light is flickering red.

But then when I start riding it just works fine.

Is this because the electronics are all messed up with the dead battery? Anyone else ever seen this?
So I ordered a Lithium battery (Braille G5). The bike now sounds like it wants to start but just makes a loud clicking sound but there is nothing else. I may do another post on this forum and do some searching around..... hope I didn't fry anything by jump starting off my car.
Looking on some other posts - it may be the relay that is shot. I will do some searching to see if there are any instructions on how to replace a relay.
Worth checking out your solenoid starter, clicking usually comes from this when the battery is low could be a bad unit!
Just did a load test with a multimeter. The battery seems pretty strong. It is at 13v with no load and dips to 12.5v when the ignition is turned (light is on). Hitting the start button makes the clicking sound (not sure where that is coming from) and the bike does not start. The battery voltage stays the same and does not drop below 12v.

I'll start googling how to check the solenoid starter. Maybe it got affected by jump starting from my car...?
Worth checking out your solenoid starter, clicking usually comes from this when the battery is low could be a bad unit!
So I just pulled off the side panel, took apart the relay solenoid cover and when I manually connect the contacts in the relay the bike starts no problem.
But when I try to start with the start button you can see the relay contacts come together and make the 'click' sound but nothing happens.

So is it broken? Do I need a new relay
So I just pulled off the side panel, took apart the relay solenoid cover and when I manually connect the contacts in the relay the bike starts no problem.
But when I try to start with the start button you can see the relay contacts come together and make the 'click' sound but nothing happens.

So is it broken? Do I need a new relay
So I just pulled off the side panel, took apart the relay solenoid cover and when I manually connect the contacts in the relay the bike starts no problem.
But when I try to start with the start button you can see the relay contacts come together and make the 'click' sound but nothing happens.

So is it broken? Do I need a new relay
Looks like the solenoid is the culprit.I am no electrician and am aware there are ways to sort it if you have time and are competent with a volt meter.....for me, it would be easier to replace it!
Battery connections clean and tight? Wiring at solenoid in good shape and connections to solenoid clean and tight. Would check them first before replacing. It almost sounds like it's just a weak connection somewhere.
What are the weak points 05-16 T100
I bought a 2015 1000 klm last year! It was stored in a regular shed not heated for 5 years. started and run regularly on High stand & run thru gears, I rode last year 6000 klm !
My recurrent problem is since i got, it once in a while hot or cold , batterie charged; i press start button got fraction spark and cut (just to engage starter) may repeat 2 to 4 time before i get a good turn over A) Opened, polished the starter push button little pin & spring and clean whit contact cleaner. When i least expect it, it repeats , also tried B) while holding start button when it does it (cut ) i play whit the clutch lever, (no change) nothing will happen! Even try turn ignition off! Scary but always end up by cranking over! Just when out again & did it so cleaned: batterie post, starter relay post?
Can a starter relay be defect since i got it even whit few klm ( 1000klm)
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Just did it again, Batterie charged up , post clean & tight, starter solenoid clean tight. Might not do it for couple days. Humm
About the oil light flickering. I had the same flickering oil light on both my Americas on a cold morning.
Look where the signal cable connects with the engine. There is a little rubber cover that can trap humidity. Squirt some WD40.
Battery connections clean and tight? Wiring at solenoid in good shape and connections to solenoid clean and tight. Would check them first before replacing. It almost sounds like it's just a weak connection somewhere.
I made a video of the issue with some readings on my multimeter.

On another forum a few potential issues have been suggested:
  1. ECU is not letting the bike start (apparently it is a common problem on these bikes). This can be fixed by re-wiring to bypass the relay safety (bike could be started without the clutch pulled in)
  2. Starter is not good
  3. Regulator (between the forks under the headlight) needs replacing
  4. My Lithium Ion battery is not charged enough
I guess I have some more exploring to do.

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