I bought a 2007 Bonneville with 10k miles on it this summer. First I had to fix the carb now I am dealing with the battery dying. I have left the lights on a time or two plus killed the bike by putting it in gear without pulling up the kickstand.
My typical commute is a few miles to work and I do that four times a day typically. It has been getting cold. But all of a sudden the bike is dying. Even idling on my way to work at an intersection. I've had to bump start it multiple times. I bought a tender for it and that helps.
But I just fully charged it and a day later after taking it off it was dead. I charged it again and took it to the parts store with a full charge and they put it on a load tester. They said the battery is good. A doctor I work for recommended voltage test on it.
Could the battery be bad even after passing the load test? Could it be my short commute killing the battery?
Or is it something else that is wrong? The starter? Alternator?
Any clue?
My typical commute is a few miles to work and I do that four times a day typically. It has been getting cold. But all of a sudden the bike is dying. Even idling on my way to work at an intersection. I've had to bump start it multiple times. I bought a tender for it and that helps.
But I just fully charged it and a day later after taking it off it was dead. I charged it again and took it to the parts store with a full charge and they put it on a load tester. They said the battery is good. A doctor I work for recommended voltage test on it.
Could the battery be bad even after passing the load test? Could it be my short commute killing the battery?
Or is it something else that is wrong? The starter? Alternator?
Any clue?