Hi, Redhotter -- thanks for the post. It's frustrating that the only way to know the specs on your bike is to pay for access and download the material. I actually don't mind paying, it's the downloading that will drive me bonkers.
Guys on Brand X forum say they've spent 18+ hours downloading everything, and have in excess of 500 .pdf files! A further problem is trying to (1) organize the files properly, and (2) trying to integrate them into a searchable document, rather than having individual .pdfs.
Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing. I understand there's a difference between the service manual and the factory manual. I really don't need to know info to the level of the factory manual, probably. But there's no service manual available -- the one that tells you to set the torque meter to xxx ft-lbs on the oil filter, etc.
My local auto garage pays thousands of dollars for CDs that cover many makes/models of cars so they can do the repair work on them.
I'd buy a CD, happily, because I fully support paying for the information. But Triumph sure isn't making it easy on the owners to get the info.
I'm surprised no one has downloaded it all and then posted it online, just because everyone seems to be ticked off at Triumph.
Here's the link if anyone wants to give it a shot. I'll download the stuff some day, maybe when I'm snowed in from a blizzard and have 24-48 hours free!