Just finishing up another web site and will be presenting it to the client on Monday Radio Worx :y114: Just the tweaking to do once he decides what needs changing :y18:
Thats nice. So things are going well i take it? I remember when i first got a PC. One of the first things i got into was making websites. Back then it was just mainly HTML, hardly anything like java or anything real tricky. Then as a few years past i saw it getting really complicated with all this other stuff and by that time i stopped playing around with it. I toyed with the idea of doing what you are now but I never got that good at it and i also realized how fast things were changing and that you 'd really have to keep up. It was fun tho. Hope you keep moving along with this. :y115:
Lol I started off with a BB ruining on DOS and a 300bps modem. I then also went to html but never really liked it that much but now with PHP it is great. So far I have 6 site in the pipeline so lets hope it starts taking off once I have a bit of a portfolio put together :y18:
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