An attempted theft last night

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Around 3:30 AM this morning I was awakened by a car alarm going off. I immediately jumped out of bed and peered out the window expecting it to be my neighbours car since he's famous for false alarms.
But this time it was my car!!
I quietly and quickly went downstairs and out on my back deck which overlooks the driveway. The car door was ajar, but the creep had apparently run away. The twin horns on the Subaru make one hell of a blast!!!
All modern cars have an alarm system so what lame brain would tempt to get into a car which had nothing in it to steal?? I never leave anything in my car that would tempt a thief.
I shut the alarm off and closed the door - and it was then that I noticed I had left the window open just enough for some creep to insert a bar and push the door handle open.
I partly blame myself for being careless.
I have a security light which burns all night and is directly over my car and my neighbour has a motion-sensor light that comes on when there is any activity in my driveway or his.
In spite of that, some creep went ahead and attempted the break-in.
I have my bikes locked inside my garage and I park the car right up against the doors and use the car alarm as a signal for any attempts at getting in. The garage windows also have steel bars. They would have to go through the car and alarm to get to the bikes.
In the light of day I could see that no damage was done to my car so there was no point in calling the police - other than to report the incident - for all the good that would do. There is nothing the police could do or want to bother with anyway since no harm was done.
No harm done!!!! I couldn't get back to sleep and I've been awake since 3:30 AM!!!!!!!!!
Good excuse for a PM nap :y2:
I partly blame myself for being careless.

I couldn't disagree with you more. It's not your fault at all. Everyone should be able to leave their property in the knowledge that some little S**T doesn't nick what's not theirs. But I know I'm living in a dreamworld to think that that's going to come anytime soon. I'm glad that their was no damage to your car or your bikes, my garage was broken into in England and like your potential thieves, didn't have much of a brain cell. They tried to nick my DR 350 which was bolted to the floor via a ground anchor, and on top of that was locked to a trailer, which was also bolted to the floor. The never got it so decided to F**K the ignition up.
I'm not saying this next story is the correct way to go about things, but I personally haven't got a problem with it. Many years ago a chap somewhere in England had numerous brake-ins in his garage, and attempts on steel his Harley, well naturally he got fed up with it. So over the course of time he waited until one night it happened again, this time the S**TS got more than the bargained for. As they opened the garage door the resulting action triggered a double barrel shotgun to go off, needless to say they didn't get the bike. Unfortunately or Fortunately ( Depending on your view ) it went to trial and came up against a judge who basically said, Tuff S**T you shouldn't have broken into the garage, and no charges were brought against the owner of the Harley.
Once again Rocky I'm glad the Barstewerds didn't do any damage, and I hope that you'll get back to having a good nights sleep soon
Man Rocky that SUCKS.....sorry to hear about that.

The local police hear warn folks to not leave ANYTHING in the car and to always roll up and lock up. They (the crooks) just wonder around all night looking for an open window....some even walk down the street testing (gently) door handles if its open it gone.

Glad they didn't snag your Subaru......thats punishable by death in my bookANGER
It just gets to me that people work hard for what they have and other feel they can come along and just take it. :soap:

I won't get started on crime my side as I don't think we have enough HD space on the forum for me to type it all in BGRIN
Thanks guys.
I'm usually anal about rolling up windows and locking doors. The police constantly warn us about creeps walking the steeets testing door handles and looking for open windows, but I slipped up this time.
I had opened the window slightly during the heat of the day, but forgot to go out and close it in the evening.
As MOT said, in a perfect world I should not have to worry, but this sure ain't a perfect world.
I wonder how many times over the years my door handles have been "tested."
I always learn from my mistakes and it won't happen again :y2:
I've had it done here too Rocky, not a good feeling.

Even with not much can be done by LEO, these incidents still need to be reported. Our local LEOs get pissed at the other area LEOs that more or less blow off the people filing these reports.

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I was speaking with my neighbour across the street last night and his car was rifled.
His car is a new Toyota, but according to him, it has a disabling feature so it won't start and no alarm.(?)
He may have left a window down or a door open as the creep went all through the car and made a mess, but there was nothing to steal - no damage, just a mess with strewn papers, etc.
I guess the creep thought he could do the same to my car with no alarm to fear, but he got a shock when it went off.
It's a pity you can't catch this low life and modify his hands with a baseball bat or two. This is not making for a good nights sleep for the people around your area. These scum ruin other peoples property with little or no regard for the owners. Glad your neighbours car wasn't damaged. Makes my blood boil
Around 3:30 AM this morning I was awakened by a car alarm going off. I immediately jumped out of bed and peered out the window expecting it to be my neighbours car since he's famous for false alarms.
But this time it was my car!!
I quietly and quickly went downstairs and out on my back deck which overlooks the driveway. The car door was ajar, but the creep had apparently run away. The twin horns on the Subaru make one hell of a blast!!!
All modern cars have an alarm system so what lame brain would tempt to get into a car which had nothing in it to steal?? I never leave anything in my car that would tempt a thief.
I shut the alarm off and closed the door - and it was then that I noticed I had left the window open just enough for some creep to insert a bar and push the door handle open.
I partly blame myself for being careless.
I have a security light which burns all night and is directly over my car and my neighbour has a motion-sensor light that comes on when there is any activity in my driveway or his.
In spite of that, some creep went ahead and attempted the break-in.
I have my bikes locked inside my garage and I park the car right up against the doors and use the car alarm as a signal for any attempts at getting in. The garage windows also have steel bars. They would have to go through the car and alarm to get to the bikes.
In the light of day I could see that no damage was done to my car so there was no point in calling the police - other than to report the incident - for all the good that would do. There is nothing the police could do or want to bother with anyway since no harm was done.
No harm done!!!! I couldn't get back to sleep and I've been awake since 3:30 AM!!!!!!!!!
Good excuse for a PM nap :y2:

I couldn't disagree with you more. It's not your fault at all. Everyone should be able to leave their property in the knowledge that some little S**T doesn't nick what's not theirs. But I know I'm living in a dreamworld to think that that's going to come anytime soon. I'm glad that their was no damage to your car or your bikes, my garage was broken into in England and like your potential thieves, didn't have much of a brain cell. They tried to nick my DR 350 which was bolted to the floor via a ground anchor, and on top of that was locked to a trailer, which was also bolted to the floor. The never got it so decided to F**K the ignition up.
I'm not saying this next story is the correct way to go about things, but I personally haven't got a problem with it. Many years ago a chap somewhere in England had numerous brake-ins in his garage, and attempts on steel his Harley, well naturally he got fed up with it. So over the course of time he waited until one night it happened again, this time the S**TS got more than the bargained for. As they opened the garage door the resulting action triggered a double barrel shotgun to go off, needless to say they didn't get the bike. Unfortunately or Fortunately ( Depending on your view ) it went to trial and came up against a judge who basically said, Tuff S**T you shouldn't have broken into the garage, and no charges were brought against the owner of the Harley.
Once again Rocky I'm glad the Barstewerds didn't do any damage, and I hope that you'll get back to having a good nights sleep soon

Rocky, I agree with Gary completely. It is NOT your fault. You are the victim of a low life scum bag. I am glad the alarm scared them off and he/they did not damage your car. To bad you do not have a video camera that might have identified that POS.

We should all be able to leave our property as we want and come back and find it as it was

I agree. We ought to be able to leave our cars unlocked and the keys in the ignition. Alas, those days are gone forever.
The police are constantly airing in the media about keeping car doors locked and windows closed so they know the creeps are out there.
Anyway, it brought home the need to be smart and not careless even though this is a "nice" neighbourhood with a very low crime rate.
But I suppose that's what makes it attractive to those who slither around at night trying to make a dishonest living.
The Houston PD has a program they run during "Hot" theft times, officers will walk around parking lots at shopping centers and such and grade the cars in the lot. They leave a passing or failing report card on the car to inform the owner what they found. Items such as unlocked doors, windows open, packages left in view, electronic equipment left out in view and other such things the person should be aware of. If you did none of these then you get a passing grade. I've never heard if they lock the doors they open but have heard several people in the news reports state they never realized they had left things out in view or that they hadn't realized they had left the doors unlocked.

Just thinking about it I suppose it also give them and indication if there is a trend of these thing going on in the area as well.

I live in a small town on the north side of Houston. I have to hand it to our police force, they are one of the most pro-active in the area. I know all the cops on in our community and they all know where i live, which can be good but then if I do something wrong. . . Well I' screwed. Our community was started as a retirement community and the police force is geared to working with the older population and the security needs of those individuals. If things are happening in the area they are on top of it but it can be hard to know what know whats going on if the PD's and SO's in the surrounding towns don't report what's going on.
Sorry to hear this Rocky. Your security sounds like you live in SA?? SAD I'm just glad they didn't get the car or anything else and that you're OK.
Thanks TUP
The twin horns on the Subaru certainly make a blast when the alarm is set off so it really gets your attention.
No creep with even an ounce of brains would want to hang around after it goes off.
Ounce of brains? Maybe that's being too generous :y2:
Around here security specialist have been telling people to drop the horns, whistles and other "normal" noise makers. Too many people accidentally set them off due to being too sensitive. They say if you want someone to respond to "YOUR" alarm change the noise maker to a recorded voice . . . "Help!!! My trucks on fire!!!" You will get the attention of others and you will get help. It sounds funny but I know I hear so many false alarms that I now pretty much ignore them in parking lots and such locations. Now if I heard it around the house from a neighbors car it would get my attention with the horn since we never hear them around here.

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