Sorry to hear about your op and sorry for only posting now! Glad the op went well and please keep us posted on the recovery!
Prayers & Blessing are with you.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Had a bit of a bad day today. The wound across my neck has become very swollen and I am having trouble swallowing.
So I have been back to the hospital and I have got an infection in the wound!:y14:
I am now on a strong course of anti-biotics. It seems I may a have had a reaction to the dissolvable sutures that were used internally to close the wound!
Never rains but it pours!
Steve, I'm sorry to hear about the setback. It does, indeed, sound like an allergic reactions as well as an infection. You are still in our prayers. Get well quickly.
I have seen my consultant and the tumour was benign and I don't have to have anymore surgery!
They are still doing regular thyroid function blood tests, but at the moment the remaining half of my thyroid is holding up on it's own and I am now not taking any medication!
I have been back at work a week now, (worst luck). And I am going to start running again on Saturday. (I need to get rid of this belly that has appeared!)
In 2 weeks time I am going on a 4 day tour of Scotland to celebrate my good news!
I will be sure to take lots of pics!
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