A bit of a shock!

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I am going to be out of action for a while. The doctor has found a lump in my thyroid gland,done a biopsy and it has come back category 3 suspicious tissue.
So on saturday morning I am having half my thyroid gland removed.
Doc says I will be off work beteen 4 and 6 weeks and feel pretty crap for the first 3!
I know it has to be done, but after months of planning, I was going touring Scotland next week with 3 mates, so that is very disappointing!
Summer is almost here and I am not going to be abled to ride for a while.:y8:
So keep posting lots of interesting stuff to keep me amused for a few weeks!
Steve, I am sorry to hear this; but I am glad they found the problem. I wish you succesful surgery and a complete, rapid recovery. Please keep us updated. You are in my prayers.
Steve sorry to hear about this. A co-worker had the same, or at least it sounds like the same and is doing great now. He said he didn't realize how much better he would feel after the surgery and healing process but now says he hasn't felt this good in years. So here's to a successful surgery and recovery.

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Gotta be tough to hear, sorry you're going thru this. But like Carl said they found this issue and hopefully it will turn out for the best. Then you won't care about the tour ! best of luck.
bummer Steve, but as the others said, get it sorted and ride later.
Unfortunately, where at that age where
e starts to happen, but as long as it can be sorted, then tis all good.
Thanks guys. I have psyched myself up,and in a strange kind of way, I am looking forward to Saturday and getting the thing removed!
It's difficult to concentrate on anything else at the moment, I just want to get it over with!
I'm Back!!!
It was a very long Saturday! I had to be at the hospital at 7.30am. There was 3 of us booked in for the same surgery, I was 2nd on the list, so my surgery was due around 11.00am. So the morning was spent doing pre-op checks and stuff. Anyway the lady that was last on the list had worked her self up into such a state they operated on her first because she was in such a panic!
So I went down to theatre at 3.00pm, a long wait when nil by mouth since the previous evening!
Surgery went OK and lasted 1 1/2hrs, and I woke up on the ward at around 5.30pm.
I have a very stiff neck and sore throat, and I am very tired, but other than that feel ok considering!
I am back to see the consultant in 2 weeks for the results of the tests on the thyroid and to see if any other treatment is neccessary.
I am on thyroxin replacement drugs for 3 weeks, then hopefully I will return to normal, If I ever was normal!:y2:
Welcome back, Steve. I am so glad the surgery went well. I wish you a complete and speedy recovery. I also hope the test results will be good. Please keep us updated. TUP

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