8 Amish Men Arrested

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They actually sound like an interesting lot of people

I agree with that wholeheartedly.
Probably stating the obvious but, these groups from the outside can look very attractive with stated principles that usually are to be admired but once you're inside the same old problems are at work. I've been involved in the past with a couple of sects and I can attest to things like internal politics and immorality always at work. I'd love to use them for B&B's, that would be interesting.
Mustaches are considered flashy decoration. Once they get married and become full members they quit shaving their beards.

Right.....before they join the church, Amish must be completely clean shaven. Only after getting married and joining do they grow their beards. You could be right about the flashy decoration part....it sounds like the Amish.
I was just thinking about this in both threads on the Amish we have spoken about the men and how they eventually join the church and so on. We did mention that they can marry girls as young as 15 at times. So I was wondering how does it all work for the female or are they just sort of born Amish and remain so all their lives or do they have the same choices as the males.
klop - - - - - klop - - - - klop - - - - BANG - - - klop - - - - klop - - - - klop - - - BANG

Sound of an Amish drive-by shooting.

:y23: :y23:

They actually sound like an interesting lot of people

They are a very interesting people. Very honest and trustworthy.

I was just thinking about this in both threads on the Amish we have spoken about the men and how they eventually join the church and so on. We did mention that they can marry girls as young as 15 at times. So I was wondering how does it all work for the female or are they just sort of born Amish and remain so all their lives or do they have the same choices as the males.

They too have to decide to join the sect, just as the males.

BTW...you can always tell when an Amish family has an "eligible" daughter living in the home.....the door is painted powder blue. Otherwise, they are painted white.
There's a Q & A website that answers common questions about the Amish...for example:

Why do Amish men have beards, but not mustaches?

There are quite a few scriptures that mention beards in the Bible. An example would be Psalm 133:1,2. An Amishman does not shave his beard after he becomes married. A long beard is the mark of an adult Amishman. Mustaches, on the other hand, have a long history of being associated with the military, and therefore are forbidden among the Amish people.

What language do the Amish speak?

In their homes and in conversations with each other, the Old Order Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch, which is a dialect of German. We understand that it is similar to Platt that is spoken in parts of northern Germany. When children go to school they learn English. In their worship services the sermons are given in German. The German language, Deitch, is also taught in Amish schools. Pennsylvania Dutch is a misnomer that arose from people thinking "Deutsche" (German) was "Dutch"

Is it true that dolls for Amish girls have no faces?

Years ago, most of the dolls for little girls were rag dolls without faces. The Amish have retained this custom. We believe the reason is similar to the refusal to have pictures of people and is linked to the second commandment. (Exodus 20:4-6) At an early age children are learning not to have images, likenesses, or idols.

Do the Amish look upon the rest of society, those who are not of an Anabaptist tradition, as heathen?

The Amish have deliberately made decisions as to what will or will not be allowed among members of the Amish community. The Amish do not pass judgment on outsiders.

Why do Old Order Amish not like having their pictures taken?

Old Order Amish and Mennonites forbid photography of their people, and their objection is based on the second commandment, Exodus 20:4: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

I understand the Amish belief in nonresistance and pacifism. Does this principle extend to personal situations where you are confronted with imminent evil -- say a known murderer confronting you and your family in your home? Can you use force to preserve your life in this situation? To what extent? What is the Biblical basis for your position?

Both Amish and Mennonites are committed to a lifestyle of peace and non- violence. Yes, this pervades every aspect of life. However, no one can predict with certainty how anyone would really react to an absolutely unprecedented crisis such as described above. Emotions as well as thoughts are involved and the situation is personalized. Having said this, we would hope that as people who have practiced a lifestyle of peace, we would not resort to force and violence in a crisis situation such as the one described.
We must briefly make several points:

  1. There is no assurance that use of force would save my life or the life of my family if confronted by an attacker.
  2. We could recall many accounts of unhoped for deliverances, whether by mediation, nature, or divine Providence, when Christians refused to use force when confronted by an attacker.
  3. If the result is death at the hands of the attacker, so be it; death is not threatening to us as Christians. Hopefully the attacker will have at least had a glimpse of the love of Christ in our nonviolent response.
  4. The Christian does not choose a nonviolent approach to conflict because of assurance it will always work; rather the Christian chooses this approach because of his / her commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord.
The analogy to war in the situation described above tends to break down when we think of the vast preparations for war -- accumulation of weapons, training of the military, etc. War is planned and seldom is aggression so clearly defined with the defense staying on its home turf.

Some of the Biblical references for peace and non-resistance are: Matthew 5:38-48; John 18:36; Romans 12:18-21; and I Corinthians 6:18.
An update:

The folks accused of cutting the hair and shaving the beards of Amish men and women were convicted of a religious hate crime and sentenced to varying lengths of jail.

This was an Amish-on-Amish crime.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Actually that was what proved it was a hate crime.....

Beards and hair have religious connotations to the Amish and doing that was solely meant as an affront to their religion.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
We had a TV documentary over here where 6 English teenagers went to the US and lived for a month with the Amish, and then the Amish came to London for a month.
It was really interesting and I admired the Amish work ethic. You should have seen our teenagers getting up at 5.00am to milk the cows! It was hilarious!
And when the Amish went out on the town with the English they were like fish out of water!
As for the triangles on the buggies, I think whatever religion you are or not, if you are in a horse drawn rig the more lights the better! We have an annual horse fair at Appleby when all the gypsies from all over the UK and Ireland meet up. There has been a number of fatalities when horse drawn carts have been hit by artic Lorries, (I think you guys call them semi's).
Very sad sight to see.
The Amish at first resisted the slow moving vehicle reflective triangles, but they eventually gave in.

They are also now required in Pennsylvania to have red and amber flashers (battery operated) on the front and rear or their buggies even in daylight. But they only need the triangles for the back of a cart or hay wagon.

We have so many motor vehicle/ buggie collisions here it's ridiculous. People in my area are used to buggies so we rarely hit one. But when people from the city come out this way it's usually one of them that hits a buggie.

We have twisty, narrow, and hilly roads so you never know when one will be over the brow of a hill or around a bend.

We also have quite a few head on collisions of cars that pass a buggie where they can't see what's approaching them in the oncoming lane.

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