8 Amish Men Arrested

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Eight Amish men from Kentucky were sent to jail this week over their refusal to comply with a local safety regulation.

They say that the mandate, which would require them to post a bright orange triangle on their horse-drawn buggies, violates their modesty code. (They reportedly use reflective tape instead, but that’s not good enough.)


The jail sentence was actually because they were cited for their violations numerous times and they refused to pay the fines associated with the tickets. Over time, the fines added up and they were arrested.

The Smoking Gun — a web site known for documenting and publicizing celebrities’ legal dramas — has published the Amish mens’ mugshots. It’s tough to describe the pictures in words, as almost nothing we say could do them justice.

The Amish men, clearly unhappy with the ruling (they still plan to fight it) couldn’t look more miserable if they tried. In describing the photos, Metro.us reporter Cassandra Garrison writes:
Why are Amish mugshots so much funnier than regular mugshots? Could it be the long, bushy beards? The strange haircuts? The smug, sullen expressions? The slightly-off-to-the-side glances?
As mentioned, the men are probably more than unhappy that they’re being forced to spend 3 to 10 days in the slammer, but there may have been additional angst among them over another issue: Having their pictures taken.

Many Amish refuse to utilize cameras as a result of their choice to avoid certain technology as well as feeling "graven images" are a sin and thus do not enjoy having their images captured. In this case, it was obviously required.

There is a side of me that says they do have a guaranteed right under the US Constitution to their freedom of religion and the government shouldn't force them to violate it. They take their modesty code very seriously and this IS a violation of that code.

On the other hand, this is a safety regulation that is designed to protect THEM from death.

But, being Amish, they also believe that it would only be God's call if they were live or die and accept the consequences.

One could say they are only hurting themselves.

But what they are not considering is that if I (for example) came around a blind corner and hit one of their buggies killing an entire Amish family (kids included) it would not only affect them, but I would be ruined for life as well having to live with it.
That is a very good point indeed and you may even get some of your family killed in the process that may be driving with you. If you live in a country I feel you should need to abide by that countries law.

Just on a side note how come they don't grow a moustache with those beards
Believe me Dave, I see too many Amish buggies and hay wagons hit by cars and trucks even with the safety triangles attached. It's horrible...and many times the horses are killed or maimed to the point they have to be put down.

What makes matters worse is that around here it is very hilly with narrow and winding back roads so you often come upon them unexpectedly. They are traveling at 3 MPH and you are going 50 MPH.....it's scared the hell out of me many times before.
AJ, I agree with your point. The solution is if they drive the buggies on the rods, they comply with the laws. I would hate to hit anyone. When I am driving/riding in Amish country, I am extra careful and I slow way down.
Of course that's the solution and around here, the Amish seem to be OK with complying (PA State Law is that ANY slow moving vehicle have those triangles). In fact in my neck of the woods, the Amish not only have the triangles, but they have battery operated flashers on the front (amber) and rear (red) which they use at night.

They seem to accept that the law is not designed to violate their religious rights, but to save them (and others) from injury.

It all comes down to the local bishop and how militant he is about following the ways of the "English" (what they call all non-Amish). For example in Western PA, the buggies have khaki colored roofs whereas in Eastern PA, they are all black. It all comes down to which sect they belong to and their bishop. Another example would be that I see these 8 guys have buttons on their shirts whereas around here they only use pins since buttons are against their local modesty code.

I just think it is a balancing act between respecting their religion and safety so I can see both sides.
I had a friend who was driving along in his car nearby here and saw an Amish stand along the side of the road selling fresh strawberries. He'd already passed it when he decided to turn around and go back to buy some.

He backed his car up into a small dirt driveway but it was so narrow that one of his tires went into the culvert. To his horror, there was a little Amish girl there in the weeds that he couldn't see and he broke her arm.

He wanted to take her to the hospital and was totally freaking out. He wanted to pay for any medical bills and so on, but the Amish Father refused everything. This guy was a mess but the Amish guy insisted that they'd take care of her themselves. He even drove directly to the PA State Police Barracks and reported it. The police sent a car to the Amish farm, but said they continued to refuse to allow this guy to pay for any medical care although they did convince the Father to allow the cops to take her to the hospital to get the arm set. They didn't charge my friend with anything.

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