6th Sense?? Anyone?

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We've had similar threads in the past but I want to know whether anyone out there believes in 6th sense, intuition, gut feel, deja vu - that kind of stuff. And if you do, lets hear your story.

PS: I do believe in this so I promise I won't think you're a nut case :y2:
I believe in it, but I can't think of a particular instance to mention off the top of my head.

Oh wait......here's one:

A couple years ago me and two of my kids took a trip to Washington DC for the 4th of July festivities.

One night in front of our hotel there was this clean-cut looking guy with a duffel bag asking for donations and spare change. He stopped us and gave us this story about being a Marine who had his wallet stolen. He said he was just trying to get enough money to get a room there for the night.

I was skeptical and didn't give him anything. But my Son handed him $10.00

We went inside and proceeded to get a quick bite to eat in the hotel lounge. While we were seated we were still talking about this "Marine" as i was debating if he was for real or not.

When the waiter came to our table, he heard our conversation and asked if we gave the guy any money. Then he went on to say that guy is outside the hotel every night with the same story!

My gut feeling proved to be right.....he was a scammer!
Many years ago, I was driving on a very busy road in the SA city of Durban. I got a very strong feeling to just pull over to the curb and wait a while. I did pull over and when a couple of cars had passed me, I pulled back into the road. At the next intersection, both the cars that had passed me were involved in a T-bone with a truck that had jumped the light - no survivors. Had I not pulled over, I would've gone right under the truck just as the other 2 cars had.

I now listen to the voices in my head :y2:
Can't say as I've experienced any ESP, omens or anything like that, but I'm also a skeptic too.
My old age and years of experience has caused me to think twice about lots of things - especially when it comes to people.
When I'm driving in heavy traffic I'm very aware of my surroundings and those around me. I often tell my wife what I think a particular driver will do.
I even surprise myself at how often I'm right - and it's usually due to something stupid they did.
There have been a lot of studies in the 'deja vu' scenario - will see if I can find a reasonably short article and post it here - heard a discussion about this on the radio the other day; very interesting.
I believe in the 6th sense. Strange thing happened to me only last week. I work as a Building Inspector, and our company has been in dispute with contractor over poor workmanship. Well, I had not visited the site for 10 days and there had been no contact from the contractor so i decided to call. I arrived at 10.30am last wednesday at the exact time a site meeting started to discuss the detail of the remedial works! You should have seen their faces! I was the only person not invited to the meeting, and I am the one who approves the work when it is completed!
Needless to say, I gate crashed the meeting and gave them what for!
I KNEW you where going to ask that question Gromit! :y2:
Don't know if it makes me a believer, but I have experienced it.

I also know women seem to have a higher level of it than men. Ya'll are more "in touch" with that stuff.
With women, I don't whether it's a heightened thing or just women being cats most of the time :y2: But I do think women are more 'in touch' with this stuff than men - maybe it's the protective instinct that kicks in when a woman becomes a mother?
LEt me rephrase, maybe not more or less in touch, but women tend to "listen" to the signs more than men. IMHO.
We (or at least I --even when I notice it) tend to ignore it (or blame it on gas) and PLUNDER along in my pre determined course. Where Shannon tends to stop and consider an alternate direction or idea/plan....what have you.
I also have actually seen her on 3 different occasions "know" something was wrong with one of her children who are many miles or even states away from us. She would get a "weird feeling" and sure enough later in the day or the next day we find out something was wrong. Certainly can say the mother thing may have much to do with it. However my ex didn't have the same "tune" with our Son.......so maybe it skips some?????
I definitely think it 'skips' some - my mother just knows when something is up with one of us. I went to hospital for a minor procedure some years back and didn't tell anyone - it was going to be in in the morning and out in the afternoon. Just before the nurse came in with the pre-meds, my mother phoned on my mobile wanting to know what was wrong - she hadn't been able to sleep the night before and just 'knew' it was me that was going through something - and we're 7 kids but she get's the kid everytime.
The line between sixth sense and superstition can become a bit blurred.
I had a good mate killed while riding his bike and after the funeral I had an overpowering idea that if I revisit his grave I'll be next. I don't have a problem with grave yards etc but I'm not going to that section of the cemetary again. Only once another of my mates said 'lets go check out Tony's grave", I told him the story and he was very good about it, infact he said I was doing the right thing in staying away.

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